Part Eighty-Six: Skip Day

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Week 6, Day 5: Thursday
Lucy reaches her hands up around Tim's neck as she fights to catch her breath through her giggling.

"Okay, okay. You win," she concedes once she can finally get the words out. After five minutes of chasing her around the living area and a solid bout of wrestling, he's finally managed to get her pinned on the couch.

She shifts one hand to wipe at the tears of laughter that have escaped from the corners of her eyes before lifting the other to his cheek.

"Thank you," she says with more seriousness once she's caught her breath. "I really needed that."

He grins down at her, and she wonders how it's possible for someone's eyes to convey such deep affection. Finds herself marveling over the idea that maybe this — he is what she's been missing. That even as they continue to clumsily stumble down this path together — not always on the same page, not always making the right choices — the connection tethering them together has only continued to strengthen, building beyond the chemical attraction that had initially drawn them together.

"You doing okay?" he asks, his concern evident as his smile slowly fades.

She nods, lifting her fingers to brush over his cheek and then trace along the edge of his perfect jawline.

"You're kind of amazing," she confesses the thought without hesitation, not caring in the moment if it makes her seem like a starry-eyed teenager.

His cheeks tinge, and she can see the flicker of happy surprise in his eyes before he shrugs it off with a deadpanned, "Well. Yeah."

But she can feel the impact of her words when he bends to brush his lips against hers, the warmth of his gratitude in the sweetness of his touch. She slips a hand behind his neck to hold him in place when he moves to pull back, angling her head to prolong and deepen the kiss, needing the tender moment to last a little longer.

She presses up against him until he shifts off of her onto his back and pulls her over on top of him, somehow managing not to disrupt his tongue's exploration of her mouth in the slightest amidst the acrobatics.

Her lips curve upward when she finally manages to break away. "Nice moves, Bradford."

He offers her a cocky half-smirk, the silent sibling of his 'Well, yeah,' from moments before.

She admires the solid feel of his bare chest beneath her palms as she pushes herself up into a seated position, settling her thighs on either side of his hips.

This man belongs in a museum, she muses as her fingers trail lazily down his abdomen, pausing as she reaches the waistband of his sweatpants. She's suddenly quite grateful for his aversion to shirts. And for the lack of plans to derail this morning.

She playfully rolls her hips against him in response to the growing firmness of his arousal pressing against her center.

He follows her every movement, the rapid rise and fall of his chest betraying his anticipation as she reaches down to pull the Dodger's T-shirt up over her head and tosses it toward the coffee table. It slides across the surface and lands in a heap on the floor.

"Careful with that," he chides. "It's my favorite."

"Is it?" Lucy brushes her hair back over her shoulders, offering him a completely unobstructed view of her full, shapely breasts. She eyes him as if he is a complete idiot. "Would you like me to go get it?"

He tilts his head as if seriously considering her offer, blowing out a long, slow exhale as he takes her in, his gaze feeling impossibly like tiny, sizzling pinpricks of sensation on her body as it trails down the lines of her neck and collarbone, and lingers on her chest until the pulsing want between her legs is almost unbearable.

"Hmm?" Lucy prompts, her thighs involuntarily clenching around him as she impatiently waits for him to put his hands all over her.

He glances briefly toward the discarded shirt, before turning his full attention back to the woman sitting on top of him. She sighs her next breath in response to his touch as he leisurely slides his palms up her thighs.

"Did I say that was my favorite?"

She squeaks in surprise when he launches himself up, his arms crushing her into his chest as he holds her in place and nuzzles his face into the pillowy softness of her curves, his fresh shave silky smooth against her sensitive skin.

"Because I meant this. This, right here, is definitely my favorite." He presses a sweet kiss to her breast, before tipping his head back and tangling his hand in her hair as her pulls her down to meet his lips.


He carries her back into the bedroom, their laughter and teasing dying down as he lays her down. He settles his hands on her hips, looking up at her before hooking his fingers into the waistband of her panties.

"Is this okay?" he asks seriously, wanting to be 110% confident of what she wants after the emotional rollercoaster they've been on for the last 24 hours.

"Yes," she nods vigorously, and he drags the cheeky panties down her legs, tossing them aside before he returns his full attention to the beautiful naked woman in front of him.

"Careful," she teases softly, pushing up onto her elbows as she waits for him to join her, "those are my favorite."

He arches an eyebrow at her, pushing his own sweatpants to the floor before responding. "Is that so? Would you like me to go get them?"

She eyes him hungrily, gaze traveling up and down his body in a way that might make him blush if she didn't have him so turned on.

"No," she mouths the word silently as she shakes her head.

He reaches down and lifts one of her feet, gently kissing the inside of her ankle and allowing his hand to slide down the length of her calf. He enjoys every bit of how her body responds to his touch.

"Tim," she whines when he doesn't immediately make another move, instead just gazing at her like he hasn't quite decided how he'd like to prepare his next meal.

"Sorry," he grins down at her before dropping her foot. "Sometimes your unimaginable beauty just overwhelms me."

Lucy snorts, playfully kicking in his direction as he crawls in next to her.

"What are you doing?" she laughs as he wraps his arms and legs around her in a full-body hug.

"Hugging you," he responds in a tone that indicates he is questioning her intelligence.

She sighs, pushing him back from her just enough so she can free her arms and loop them around his neck. "I can't believe you got me naked for a hug," she grumbles as she squishes him back.

He nuzzles his face in to kiss her cheek, before shifting her onto her back. Her breath hitches when his hand slides in between their bodies, escaping her in an whoosh when his fingers slip between her legs.

She makes a strange mewing sound he's not entirely sure he's ever heard her make before, lifting her hips to chase his touch as he cruelly teases near her entrance. His blue eyes blaze with unspoken emotion as he stares into hers, "And I can't believe you got toothpaste all over the mirror."

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