{4} TilakXbrewis (confession)

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Top - Tilak
Bottom - Brewis
Occupation - cricketers

After back to back failure mi finally won there second match against rcb. Every one was very happy. They were celebrating thier sucess. Ro decided to give the kiddos a party. They asked the management about it, they agreed on it.

Everyone was getting ready for the party.

Tilwis room

"What should i wear tilak" asked brewis showing his clothes.

"Wear anything darling everything looks good on you" Said tilak winking to brewis.

Brewis was feeling so shy.

Brewis and tilak are roommates. They're best friends also. But brewis likes tilak to much and same goes to tilak. They both likes each other. But are scared of being rejected. They think that it will ruin thier friendship. Tilak often flirts with brewis he always gets shy on it. Also everyone in the team knew that these two loves each other but are afraid to tell.

It was now evening they reached at the bar where they are going to party. Tilak and brewis were wearing matching clothes. They both were wearing black shirts with white jeans.

"Ohoo, see guys the IT couple of mi has arrived" Said hardik.

"Yeah hardik look both are wearing matching clothes" Said ro.

"Like you and vi bhai never wears matching clothes" Said tilak.

"But we are couples tilak we already annouced it. But you guys didn't announced it yet. I guess something is going between you two" Said ro winking to tilwis.

Brewis was all red rn.

"Its nothing like that bhai" Said tilak.

Brewis felt little hurted. They're not in relationship yet. But it hurts brewis.

They went inside the bar. They went to the counter and all started to drink.
Tilak drank three shots of wine. He was too much drank rn. Brewis don't like to drink. Everyone was drunk asf right now. Tilak was that much drunk that he can't even stand properly. Ishan dragged tilak to the dance floor and both started to dance.
Tilak was too much drunk. He was continuously touching ishan on his body. Even ishan was not minding it.

Tilak's hand were on ishan waist and ishan hands were on tilak chest. The first three buttons of tilak's shirts were open thats why his chest was too revealing.

"Ishu, i guess our plan is working look at brewis he is looking at tilak like he'll eat him" Whispered hardik in ishan's ear.

Ishan just smirked at it.

Tilak kissed on ishan cheeks making brewis shocked and angry at one time.

Tilak use to have crush on ishan. But since he saw brewis he realized that what love is. Ishan was just an attraction but brewis was his love.

Brewis went to tilak.
"Tilak lets go from here" Said brewis.
"No brewis pls let me have some fun" Said tilak and clinging to ishan more.

"I said lets go from here, na then lets go" Shouted brewis.

Everyone started looking at them.

Ishan too realized that this was too much. He handed tilak to brewis and went from there.

"Wish you long nights love birds" Said ishan and winked at tilak.

Brewis dragged tilak to a private room. He throwed tilak on the bed and started crying. Tilak looked at him.

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