{8} RiyanXdhruv (Mine)

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Top - Dhruv jurel
Bottom - Riyan parag

"And, csk won the match" Shouted akash chopra.

It was one of the match of rr vs csk and unfortunately rr lose the match the stadium was full of shouting and cheering. Unknown to these all riyan was siting in his hotel he already leaved from thier after all the formalities he tried his best but still they didn't won. Also, after having biggest comeback he didn't got selected T20I wc squad not even in the reserved. He didn't even told his boyfriend before coming there.

Dhruv was roaming in the stadium searching for his boyfriend he got know about riyan from yashasvi. Dhruv was very angry because of his boyfriend's behavior, he didn't even tell him before going there rather he told yashasvi about it.

"Knock, knock"
Dhruv was knocking on his and riyan's shared room. Dhruv was trying his best to not be angry but this small boy was testing his patients.

"Open the fucking door riyan! " Shouted dhruv.

Riyan was actually sleeping on his bed in deep sleep he didn't realized when someone was knocking on the door. After coming back from the stadium he cried alot thinking that the team lost the match because of him. Even they almost qualified but still it hurts riyan. His beauty sleep got disturbed by the knocking he listened his boyfriends voice so he went door and opened the door.

"What the fuck-" Shouted dhruv but his heart broked when he saw his boyfriend's eyes puffed like he cried alot.

"Baccha what happened? " Asked riyan cupping his face.

"Nothing" Said riyan sniffing softly.

"Tell me na riyu! Why you came from the stadium early without informing me"
Asked dhruv.

But riyan just puts his head on dhruv's shoulder. Dhruv made themselves sit on the bed he takes riyan in his embrace  softly caressed riyan's cheeks and kissed him on his forehead.

"The team lost because of me na dhruvi? " Whispered riyan softly.

"Areee why you think so jaan it was just our bad day you gave your best don't think like this. You're the best remember it okay and don't overthink we have almost qualified for the playoffs. And you know you're the best and i bet we'll be selected for playing for india soon! Okay. "Said dhruv caressing his hairs.

"I love you" Said riyan and pecked on dhruv's lips softly. Dhruv giggled on it.

"I love you jaan, but you know im angry with you why you came here without informing me rather you told yash about it" Said dhruv finally.

"Awwww, sorry jaan you know na i was so sad thats why and you know why i told yash about it because you were busy talking with that rutu there thats why i became more sad and angry" Said riyan making a cute angry pout.

"Oh is that so? Im sorry jaan but that was not a nice move i was so worried about you. You deserve something you know what? You need to know you're mine " Asked dhruv.

"You pervert" Blushed riyan and pecked on dhruv's lips and started giving wet kisses all over dhruv's face.

"Can i? " Asked dhruv softly he doesn't do anything without his darling's constant.

Riyan sucked dhruv's making dhruv groan and giving him his answer.

Dhruv then attacked on riyan's lips and started kissing him softly. He was actually angry with riyan few moments before and was now kissing him riyan's cuteness can make anyones anger calm.

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