{5} KuldeepXjaddu (pleasure in Pavillion)

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Top - Jadeja
Bottom - kuldeep

It was the final day of test series of ind and England. After that ipl is going to start. Ind won the series 4-1. Everyone was so happy and celebrating thier victory. But, jadeja was looking so sad. And the reason was kuldeep. He have to be seprate from him for two months as ipl is starting after a week.

"What happened baby? " Asked kul softly cressing jaddu cheeks.

Jaddu looked in kuldeep eyes and said.
"Can i make love with you?" Asked jaddu.

"Huh? Okay lets go to our hotel then you can do whatever you want. " Said kul understanding jaddu's feeling.

"Nah i want to make it here" Said jaddu.

"What? Yaha kaise karenge jaanu. Woh bhi pavilion mai" Said kuldeep.

"I dont know anything baby i want it and I'll get it" Said jaddu and attacked kul's lips with his own.

Thankfully there was only ro, vi and shubman there. They listened the last sentence and gave the couples some private time and went out from there.

Jaddu was kissing kul's lips softly only filled with love, emotion and pain of separation. He was expressing his love toward his lover that how much he love him how much he's goona miss him.

After a minute they both became breathless and seprate from each other.
Jaddu was now looking in kuldeep eyes with a mixture of love, care, lust and hunger towards his love. Kuldeep being kuldeep was feeling shy and his cheeks were looking like a tomato. It was turning jaddu more. He quickly went and closed the door. After that he started sucking and making marks on kuldeep neck.

"Ahhhhhh" Kuldeep was moaning due to immense pleasure.
Jaddu was focusing only marking his property. Kuldeep's neck was now filled with dark purple hickeys which jaddu gave him.
Jaddu than started kissing kuldeep's lips roughly. Kuldeep was not able to match jaddu's dominations so he just gave up and let jaddu do whatever he want.

Jaddu bites on kul's lips and entered his lips inside his mouth exploring the taste of kul's honey like mouth. He was sucking kul's tongue. They both were fighting for the fight of domination and jaddu won it easily. Jaddu was not spearing any part of kul's mouth from sucking.
(Kabhi bhi kiss na kiye hue bhi itne details mai likhne ka ghamand hai 🙈)

Jaddu was sucking his lips badly it was not bearable for kuldeep but what can he do after all he just want his love to be happy. After a good moment of kissing and sucking. Jaddu finally leaves kuldeep lips as kul was panting heavily.

Jaddu then removed kul's tshirt and looked at kul's already puffed and sensitive nipples. They were looking like a whole meal for jaddu to eat.
He attacked on his nipples and started sucking them.

"Ahhhhhh jaddduu ahhhhh" Moaned kul loudly.

Jaddu was only focused on kul's nipples. While sucking them he went to nearest table and made kul sits on it.

"Ahhhhh jaddduuuuu harder"
After abusing his nipples jaddu went to the couch and removed his clothes.
He also removed his boxers he was all naked. Kuldeep was staring jaddu perfect body shamelessly.

"Done staring now come and suck it for daddy" Said jaddu in dominating voice.

Kul now came back in sense and was actually embraced. He went to jaddu with baby step.
"This boy will kill me oneday with his cuteness" Said jaddu to himself.

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