{6} mahiXyuvi (The business deal)

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Top - Yuvi
Bottom - Mahi
Occupation - Business rivals

Yuvraj singh aka yuv is the top tier business man of india he is ceo of his own company.
Mahendra singh dhoni aka mahi is also top tier business man. He is the new ceo of his dad's company.
Both are known for thier old rivalry they have been always a good rivals and opposition for each other. And for sorting these matter out both companies decided to collab and make everything better.

Mahi was siting in his cabin he was so excited to finally meet his crush. Yep guys mahi has crush on yuvi. Although both companies are rivals but still they both aren't.

Time skips to the meeting
A handsome man entered the company making everyone amazed by his charmness.

"Welcome yuvi sir. We're glad that you accepted our offer" Said mahi's secretary.

Yuvi just smiled at it.

"Come sir ill show you to the cabin"

Soon they arrived to mahi's cabin.

"Come mr yuvraj i was waiting for you. " Said mahi and forward his hands toward yuvi.

"Oh really" Said yuvi and caresses mahi's hands softly.

"Yeah" Said mahi and gave a wierd smile Although he himself doesn't know why he was feeling good after yuvi touches. Yuvi was his crush he always want to interact with him.

The meeting was almost done. Entire the meeting yuvi was seeing mahi more like glaring him from head to toe. Mahi was just making few eye contact and ignoring the feeling. The meeting was done and between the meeting there was few smalls argument between each other's employe. And there was our mahiraj who was busy staring each other. Everything was sorted out by the end of it.

"Okay thats it for today. We're glad that everything is sorted out and a special thanks to mr yuvraj for giving his precious time to us" Said mahi.

"It's a pleasure to me to have you" Said yuvi smiling at mahi.
Mahi found it hella cute and adorable.

"Now you guys may take leave" Said mahim
Everyone went out of the cabin only mahi and yuvi was left.

"Lets go mr yuvraj" Said mahi.

"Mr dhoni can you pls call me yuvi it'll suit more from your beautiful mouth" Said yuvi.

Mahi just blushed little to it.
"Of Course yuvi. Btw you can call me mahi too" Said mahi.

"My pleasure, If you dont mind can we go out like for coffe or bar" I guess bar will be perfect place" Said yuvi giving his questions answers himself.

"As you say. Ok let me tell the others" Said mahi.

"Nahhh only us" Said yuvi.

"Um what?" Asked mahi.

"Woh actually lets celebrate it alone if you dont mind" Said yuvi.

"Are you asking me for a date yuvi ji" Said mahi wiggling his eyebrows.

"Kind of that" Said yuvi and winked at mahi.

"Okay less go" Said mahi.
"Yes please" Said yuvi and opened the door for mahi like a gentleman. Mahi was kind of impressed by that.

They both went to mahi's car.

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