Chapter 12

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It's been three months since the shooting, I'm recovering well, Nkosi has been babying me and not wanting me to do anything. Well he's at work so I want to suprise him today plus a girl hasn't gotten some in a long time. I decided to make samp and his favourite oxtail. Nkosi never left my side at the hospital so I told Phiwe where the gift was and asked her to hide in my closet, she's the only one who knows about my pregnancy and it's better if it stays that way.

It was 8pm, Nkosi would be home anytime now, I heard the car pull up the driveway, I walked towards the front door and met him halfway.

Me: Hey
He went in for a hug and he realised a sigh, I felt the tension in his body.

Him: Hey

Me: How was your day.

Him: Ibi right I just missed you.
He leaned down and kissed me.

Me: Ukudla uready, I made your favourite.

Him: mmmmh.
I held his hand and led him to the dining room, after eating he offered to wash the dishes, so I took the time to get ready. I wore a black lacey two set with a black gown on top. I heard him coming up the stairs after making the security system was on, I had the lights dimmed and rose petals on the floor.

Nkosi: Sthandwa Sam?
Nkosi: Yaya?
I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I stood up and he made is way to me.

Me: A lot has happened and I just wanted to do something special, I thought we should....

Nkosi: Mam'Ndlovu is this a way of you telling me you're horny?

I felt my whole face turn red and looked down, he picked up my chin with his index finger and kissed me. He picked me up and laid me gently on the bed, he broke the kiss

Nkosi: Tell me what you want Mama.

He kissed neck and placed his finger at the opening of my flower, I could feel myself getting wet, he felt it too and smirked

Nkosi: Khuluma Sthandwa Sam

Me: I....I want you

Nkosi: Open your eyes
I slowly parted my eyes and looked deep into his, there was passion and hunger. He kissed my neck and trailed down to my nuni, he kissed and his tongue? It did all sorts of wonders to my fingers. The plan was to take the lead tonight but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. He got up and we shared a hungry passionate kiss.
We went at it all night, it was gentle love making filled with passion, if I wasn't on birth control, that session would've gotten me pregnant for sure, I'm just not ready for another pregnancy or miscarriage, the last one almost sent me to depression.
I opened my eyes and met his staring right back and a smile

Nkosi: Good morning

Me: Morning, don't you know that staring is rude

Nkosi: Even if it was illegal, I'd still do it when it comes to you

I blushed releasing a smile

Nkosi: Let me go run us a bath

He stood and made his way to the bathroom giving me a view of his sexy but, damn I thought biting my lip. That reminded me of the pain between my legs, my nuni was on fire, it was like I broke my virginity again last night, I was a moaning mess. I slowly got up and tried walking to the closet to get an outfit, while looking through I saw a plastic and opened it. It was Nkosi's gift, I opened it and saw the romper, scan and test, tears started forming in my eyes and I felt the hurt come back again.

Nkosi: Baby?

I quickly packed everything back and hid the plastic, I better hide it before someone finds it. I got up and continued looking for clothes.

Nkosi: Wenzani la?

Me: I was getting an outfit.

Him: Don't worry about that
He scooped me up and we walked to the bathroom, the bath had some bath salts and oils, he gently put me in and he got in behind me. I laid my head back on his chest and he kissed the side of my head, we stayed quiet and all you could hear was the little water splashes we made fiddling with our hands. He continued kissing my head and brought his hand to my nuni and I flinched a bit

Him: Ngiyaxolisa Sthandwa Sam.
He chuckled

Me: Yini?

Him: I'm just thinking about our first time. After that you said you'd never have sex yet you're the addict now.

Me: Can you blame me, it was my first time and wena you ripped me apart futhi I'm not an addict.

Him: Baby ripped is an exaggeration.

Me: It's not, namanje nje I think I need stitches

He laughed and turned my chin to him and kissed my lips. We broke the kiss and continued to look into his eyes, they were a beautiful brown shade.

Him: Yini?

Me: Nothing.
I turned back and closed my eyes, I think I like this little life.

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