Chapter 21

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Me: Nkosi?

Him: Uyangethemba?

I thought for a little bit, yes we'd been through a lot but one thing I'm sure of is this man's love for me so I do trust him.

Me: Yes why?

Him: Then trust me when I say this, I'll tell you everything you need to know when the time is right. Give me some time to sort everything out, everything I'm doing is for you and I and our future.

I'm not stupid yes oNdlovu own taxis but a safe house is extreme, something tells there's more to what he does for a living but I won't push him.

Me: uSandile? I heard that he was involved in a car accident.

Him: He'll be fine.

Me: Okay.
I let out a smile and he let one out too.

Him: So have you chosen a date?

Me: Date?

Him: For our wedding.

Me: No not yet, did you have one in mind?

Him: Next month.

Me: Haaa baby, that's too soon.

Him: No it's not plus I think Dr Ndlovu has a better ring to it.

I giggled.

Me: Wow baby waze wane drama. Okay how about traditional next month and we have the white a few months after.

Him: Deal.

Me: Deal.

We shook hands and he turned and placed me on the bed tickling me. He hovered over my body and placed soft kisses on my neck. I giggled, he went back and sucked on it

Me: Mmmmhh

I bit my lip and moved my fingers through his hair. He moved his hand to the button of my jeans, unbuckling them.

Him: I don't like these it doesn't give me easy access.

He whispered and I giggled, he smirked and captured my lips. We heard a knock on the door, I tried getting up and he caged me.

Him: Ignore it

I helped him out of his t-shirt and took time to admire his body, he leaned in for a kiss again and we deepened it. The knock continued on the door.

: Bafo!!

Nkosi: Ngibusy go away!!

He faced me again

: Bafo!!

Nkosi: Ugghh

He got up and I giggled at how irritated he looked.

Me: Go.

He went to the door and Thembinkosi was there.

Him: I hope lento ungibizele yona is important or I won't be happy.

I giggled, he walked back in after a while.

Him: We have to be somewhere, it's Sandile. I'll be back tonight.

Me: Okay, I hope he'll be fine, be safe.

He smiled and pecked my lips.

Him: I love you, bye.

Me: I love you.

He left and so I got up, fixed the bed and took a shower before changing into a dress and joining the others.
I got to the kitchen and decided to start preparing lunch, I'm making lasagna, so I took out the necessary ingredients. I started cooking and once I was done assembling everything, I put it into the oven and set a timer. Just then Mpumi came in running and crying.

Me: Nana what's wrong?
She sniffed

Her: Mu...Mus....Musa....aka.....akafuni.

Me: Baby breath in tell me what's wrong.

She calmed down a bit and I brought her a glass of water, she took a sip and I wiped her tears.

Her: uMusa akafuni ukudlala nami.

Oh my word kids I thought and laughed in my head.


Him: Ma ngiyeza!!

He came in like he owned the place but I noticed the side eye he gave Mpilo, this kid.

Me: Kwenzakalani? Why is Mpilo crying??

Him: Haa Aunty uMpilo is being a baby.

Haibo, I wonder how their parents deal with this, speaking of, I wonder where Lerato is?

Him: She doesn't want me to play with my friends and we're playing a FIFA tournament Ma.

Her: He said I'm annoying.

Me: Okay ngiyaxolisa Sthandwa Sam, Musa just wants to play with his friends for now, he'll play with you after neh? Angithi Musa.

Him: Yebo Ma.

Me: Xolisani ke.

They apologized to each other and Musa went back to play.

Me: Cupcakes??

Her: But there's no cupcakes Yaya......wait are we going to make them from scratch?

I gave her a nod and she squealed. We got aprons and started, I took out the lasagna and let it cool a bit, it was now 14h00. We put the last batch in the oven while the others cooled down. I dished up for the kids and took a tray to uMa in her room.

Ma: Ngiyabonga Ngani yam'

Me: Wamukelekile Ma.

I went down and found Mpilo eating and spending time with the kids,I took the batch out of the oven and switched it off then went out with my plate to sit with Mbali and Lerato.

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