Chapter 22

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Mbali: So....ubukephi?

Lerato: We were worried sick about you.

Me: I just needed time to myself away from everyone.

Lerato: Yohh SBWL.

Me: Mxm, where were you anyway when your kids almost bit each other's heads off?

Lerato: I'm glad I wasn't there.

We all laughed

Lerato: Kodwa uMpumi naye unedrama and she has everyone wrapped around her little finger.

Mbali: Let's not get to her father and uncles, it's like they follow behind her.

Me: Sethu is one and they don't even want to hear her crying, it's like world war 2 has started.

Lerato: Let's hope my baby will have a FIFA buddy soon.

She said winking at me

Me: Hayi, ungang'bheki nje mina.

I put my hands in surrender and we all laughed. I know what you're thinking, you feel bad for me and think talking about babies triggers my emotions but I'm glad they don't know because if they did, we wouldn't be having this conversation and they'd feel pity for me.

Me: Guys what?

Them: Yeah?

Me: We're thinking of making the traditional wedding next month.

Them: What?!!!!!

They all screamed

Mbali: Thungisani!!!! Thungisani!!!

Lerato: Aww babe, that's exciting!!

Me: I know I can't wait, I really need to start planning.

We continued talking about everything and anything until we decided to go in and make dinner.
It's been a week since the whole safe house thing and we've been back home for the past three days. We came back after everything was "cleared", I went back to work yesterday and I'm hoping it stays that way without me having to dodge bullets or running from bodyguards. He got me a driver though to make sure I'm "safe", he's nice shem yena and Nkosi personally knows him so I trust him.

We got to work and parked.

Me: Ngiyabonga Sfiso.

Him: Ubenosuku oluhle ntokazi.

Me: Nawe ngokunjalo Bhuti.

I walked to the security gate and scanned my finger and he drove off once I was inside. I went to the desk to clock in and put my things in the intern room.

Phiwe: Mngani!!!!

I giggled

Me: Hey babes.

Her: Kudala ngakucina yazi.

Me: Phiwe you saw me izolo.

Her: Okay ke fine, but we haven't gone out in a while.

Me: I know friend, a lot has been happening and now with the wedding I'm three weeks, there's a lot to do.

Her: Ngiyazi Nana, how about we go for lunch ke and I can help with planning.

Phiwe is an amazing friend, I didn't even realise that she's always sacrificing her time for me and is willing to do things according to my schedule. I need to do things that work around her too and one thing I know for sure is my girl's love for clubbing.

Me: You know what screw it, LIV tonight.

Her: LIV LIV?.....Club LIV?

Me: Yeah LIV LIV, Sfiso will get us, take us shopping, we'll get ready and go.

She squealed.

Her: Okay now it's going to be hard for me to stay focused.

I laughed at her as we got back to work

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