Chapter 6

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We finished eating and now we're just sitting outside around the fire. I was sitting on Nkosi's lap, he had one hand on my thigh and the other was occupied by a glass with cognac, I had a cocktail in hand. He kept whispering things in my ear ones that made my body tingle. He turned my chin and gave me baby kisses, they went down to my neck.

Sandile: Get a room you two

Nkosi: Ngizokushaya mfana wam
I giggled
Just then Thembinkosi and Mbali came back with Mbali fixing her dress a bit and Thembinkosi kissing her neck.

Me: Aah our hosts are finally back.
Mbali stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed

Nkosi: Making another baby I see.
I pinched him in the arm

Nkosi: Ouch, what?
We continued talking about different topics and laughing as people gradually left, it was now just the twins, Mbali and I. Mbali and I just finished washing the dishes and were packing them away and just making sure the space is clean, I didn't want to leave her to do everything on her own. It's now 12am and we're talking about Nkosi and I's lobola negotiations next weekend.

Mbali: How's the planning going?

Me: It's fine there's just a few more things I need to finalize and then everything is set.

Mbali: You must be excited

Me: I am, I can't wait for uNkosi to be my husband

Mbali: Ncooh
Just then the Ndlovu brothers walk in

Nkosi: MaBhengu kuzo mela sihambe manje, Makoti it was nice seeing you.

Mbali: Me too Bhuti
We say our goodbyes and go to the car, we get in and drive to Nkosi's house in Mt. Edgecomb. We get to the house and just as I enter he scoops me up bridal style and takes me to the bedroom, he places me down and goes into the closet. He comes back in just his boxers, he takes off my clothes one at a time until I'm butt naked and disappears with them to the en-suite. Nkosi appears once more and he picks me up places me inside the bed, he kisses my forehead and covers my body with the duvet, a while later he joins in and cuddles me from behind.

Nkosi: Goodnight Sthandwa Sam

Me: Goodnight Gatsheni wam

A/N I just want to thank you all for the support ❤️. I can't believe it, please continue to vote, comment and follow and share this book. I enjoy reading your comments and try responding. 💗 I will try write longer chapters as time goes.
Stay blessed fam.🫶🏽

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