Chapter 14

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The drive was silent we got to our house in Umhlanga, the house had men in black suits with guns at each corner, I got out of the car and went into the house

KG: Aya... they're here to make sure you're safe.

I kept quiet, I could feel my eyes burning, it was anger and hurt.

KG: Don't be heard on him, he'll tell you everything when he's back just bear with him.

I scoffed, he walked out and left, I went to the bedroom, opened the shower and got in. I cried my eyes out, I cried because of my baby, Nkosi and I's argument and not knowing if this was how my life was going to be forever. I got out after seeing my prune like fingers. I put the wet clothes in the bath, dried my body and got into warm pyjamas, I went down to the kitchen to get some comfort snacks from the pantry and headed back to the room. I ate the snacks while watching the movie not really concentrating and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and he wasn't back yet, I got off the bed and got ready for work, I wore a dark grey set of scrubs and takkies. I went downstairs and prepared lunch for work, I took my car keys and the rest of my things and went to my car and someone blocked the door

Me: Haibo and then?

Bodyguard: Ma'am Mr Ndlovu gave us strict instructions to drive you to work.

I scoffed and tried indicating for him to move but he wouldn't budge. He took my bag and I had no option but to go with them, there were two in the car I was in and another two in the car behind. What the hell is going on here?

I got to work and they all accompanied me to the entrance and everyone was looking at me , I turned around to face them

Me: Ngizoba right, there's security here.

They contemplated

Me: Your going to make ama patient am' uncomfortable.

They turned and went back to the car but didn't leave, I sighed and turned to meet Phiwe's fuzzled face, ungang' buzi.

Phiwe: How mngani you can't say that, thought they left?

Me: Yes, the week after I got back, I convinced him to not have them and then yesterday I came home to the surprise.

After the shooting incident Nkosi got people to guard the house, but I told him it was unnecessary, now they're back but this time he's nowhere to be found.

Phiwe: Yohh hayi uphila ibiskop!

Me: Tell me about it, asambe siyosebenza.

I did my rounds and finished at 5pm. Nkosi's bodyguards accompanied me from the entrance to the car. We drove and I realised that we were going in a different direction. I clapped my hands, this must not be happening.

Me: And then, ning'saphi?

Bodyguard: Akuphephile endlini yakho, we got orders to take you to the safe house.

After driving for almost an hour we got to a huge gate, they checked the guard's ID and we drove in, after what felt like 5 minutes a huge mansion came into view it seemed to have three stories. We got in they showed me to my room, it was one level below the entrance floor and there was another below which made the house five floors in total. I got in and I could smell his scent through out the room, I looked around, the room was big with an en-suite and walk in closet, it was filled with clothes that seemed to be in my size as well as his clothes. After putting my stuff down I went out of the room, on the floor there were eight rooms, two of which looked like kids' rooms one was painted in pink and the other in blue. I went up the elevator to the third floor and heard people talking, I got in and saw uMbali no Lerato.

Mbali: Mzalaa

Me: Hey, hey Rato

Lerato: Hey miss girl.

Me: Guys kwenzakalani?

They both looked at each other and looked back at me, something suspicious is going on lana

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