Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up feeling a bit better, my face still stung but I was fine, I checked my phone and it was ten am and I had 20 missed calls, ten from Nkosi, six from Mbali and four from Lerato. I got up tidied the room and went to the bathroom, I found some things to freshen up with, a toothbrush, toothpaste and a face cloth. I took a shower but there was only men products so I had to use them, once I was done I wore my bra and my scrubs again and went down stairs to the kitchen. I walked in

Kwanda: Oh you're awake?!

I gave him a smile.

Me: Morning, lalela Kwanda tha....

Him: Don't mention it, are you feeling better??

Me: Yeah I am.

He stared at my cheek, I noticed that it was badly bruised this morning when I looked in th mirror

Him: Did he hit you?

Me: What no, he'd never do that Kwanda

He walked closer and took my hands

Him: Why are you protecting him?

Me: He didn't, I got it from the fall, it wasn't there when I got to work.

He looked at me for a while, he looked deep into my eyes, his hands rested on the counter on either side of me trapping me in between. He got closer and his one hand held my face rubbing my cheek gently. He leaned in slowly and I put my head down.

Me: I'm sorry I can't do this, it's wrong and I don't feel that way about you anymore.

Kwanda: Aya please...

Me: I can't

Kwanda: Shitt!!
He banged the table and I got startled and swiftly got away from him.

Me: I should go, I'll get myself an Uber. Again thank you.

I already had my things so I went to the door

Him: No Aya I'm sorry, I'll...

I walked out and went to wait for my ride, it didn't take long and I got in.
Nkosi POV

I got a call from Mbali last night asking if Yaya was with me because she hadn't returned and so have the bodyguards who took her. I went to her work and they said she left because she wasn't feeling well and I just got a call from them saying she hasn't signed in yet. I hope she's safe wherever she is, I know it's my fault I should have never left her. I'm on a call with my head of security..

Him: CCTV shows the guards car leaving but that was before the time she supposedly signed out.

Me: Where are the guards who were with her?

Him: No one has seen them.

Me: Fuck!! Get me them now.

Him: Sho Boss.

Me: I'm awaiting her recent movements from her phone from the tracking company, I'll let you know.

Him: Sharp
I ended the call and sped to our place. I can't risk her getting hurt again especially at my hands. I banged on my steering wheel and got another call.

Me: Bafo

Mxolisi: Any lead?

Me: Cha not yet.

Him: Sizomthola Bafo, wena focus on that and we'll cover the rest.

Me: Ngiyabonga Bafo iyobonana.

We ended the call and I continued driving in frustration, I was an hour away since I slept at the safe house.

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