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Alright- Now that I did a Q&A for the planets, maybe it's my turn! Feel free to ask me any kind of questions and I'll gladly give you an answer if I choose you :]

I just want to say thank you so MUCH for all the support I've gotten! It's been almost a year (I think lmao) and I've gotten so many views, comments, and a little followers considering all the support I've been getting lol

Here are the rules for the questions:

-No personal questions (like where I live or what school I go to, or even my age)

-No "weird" or "sexual" a minor!

-And lastly, Please no questions like "aRe yOu gOnNa wRiTe sMuT oF tHe pLaNeTs??" If you were planning to ask that..No, am not planning to write anything smut related, especially with literal planets, anytime soon, so don't expect that-

Anyways, have fun and ask your questions :D

Solarballs in a group chat XDWhere stories live. Discover now