❄️Thoughts about Zayne's Age Gap with MC❄️

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In the last few days I read about the age gap between Zayne and MC. How weird it is that she was 11 and he was 17.

So, let me tell you my thoughts about it:

- back then his love was innocent

- She didn't care that he rarely talked. She spoke more than enough for both of them

- She wasn't afraid of his evol, which frightens most people. She teased him instead, used it for her own childish wishes

- she didn't care if he was smart and more intelligent. She showed him things he didn't know.

- She was like a lively puppy around a bigger dog

- She was his sun in a cold and lonely childhood

- He cared for her when she was so careless for herself

- He wanted to protect her like a bud of jasmine in an harsh wintry environment ( yeah, Zayne girlies, you know what I'm referring to)

- Than he was gone, studying, taking everything for her to survive

- They meet again after years. She is a grown woman now. Confident in herself, a strong hunter, a beautiful mature.

- And his feelings begin to change. Growing into a man's love for a woman.

- But he doesn't force his feelings towards her. He stays reserved, letting her develop her own feelings. Letting her decide and taking first steps if she want to change their relationship

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