It's All a Numbers Game

289 7 3

(3rd POV with Crown)

Crown: My turn! Draw!

Trey: Before anything, I'll use Machu Mech's other ability! When it deals damage thanks to its special ability, it gains attack points equal to the damage dealt! Normally that's 800 points, but since you doubled it, it's 1600 points instead!

Machu Mech new atk: 4000

Crown: Oh big whoop. Anyways, I'll start my turn now! Draw! I'll start by activating the spell card Spirit Energy Converter! This card lets me change any effect damage I would take from a spirit card and makes it so I heal instead! Next I'll activate the trap Weakened Spirit! This trap attaches to any monster I choose, and it looses 700 attack points for every spirit card on the field! I have 3, so its losing 2100 attack!

Trey: NO!

Three Spirits floated up and screamed at Machu Mech, the force behind it pushing the giant mass of rock back.

Machu Mech new atk: 1900

Crown: Oh and, my Spirit of Pure Sadness is a bit of the jealous type. He hates when other monsters get fancy new equips to them, so much so that his attack raises by 700!

Pure Sadness wailed in agony, its power growing.

Sadness new atk: 2600

Trey: Then I'll activate Machu Mech's ability again! Since Machu Mech lost 2100 attack points, I can use an overlay unit to deal that as damage to you! Prepare to fire, Machu Mech!

Machu Mech's cannons charged up once more, before-

Trey: Infinity Cannon!

Every single one of them shot down at crown, but this time he smirked and laughed.

Crown: Well thanks to my Spirit of Loving Masochism, I'll be taking another 2100 points on top of that, so lets see here...oh yeah, 4200 points!

Trey: So summoning that monster of yours is gonna be your downfall! You lose! I?

Loving Masochism suddenly shot one of the barbed wires at Crown, but instead of damaging him, it healed him 2100 points.

Crown LP: 5300

Trey: What!?

Crown: Remember my Spirit Energy Converter? Loving Masochism isn't doubling Machu Mech's damage itself, but rather dealing the same amount of damage along with Machu Mech!

Finally Machu Mech shot down, hitting Crown as he flew into the Sphere Field's wall, it electrocuting him, but he simply shrugged it off.

Crown LP: 3200

Trey: So he...found a way to keep himself from taking serious effect damage from my monsters along with him...!

Crown: Oh, and don't forget my trap! You're taking all the damage I do! Go for it, Machu Mech!

A stray shot from Machu Mech hit Trey, sending him into the wall of the sphere field as it electrocuted him, him screaming in pain before he slumped a bit.

Trey LP: 300

Trey: But...Machu Mech will still gain attack points equal to the damage it it gains the 2100 back...

Machu Mech new attack: 2100

Crown: Huh...forgot about that part. I'll switch all my monsters to defense mode and end my turn.

Trey: My turn...draw! Ah...! I'll start by summoning Chronomaly Gordian Knot in attack mode!

A giant knot made of square brown and blue rocks appeared.

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