Tiki Trouble

552 11 6

Your POV

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, and a new duel to take place!...Possibly. Right now I'm walking and talking with Yuma. He was talking about something called the heartland tournament, some city wide dueling contest that involved rollercoasters, virtual areas, a giant tower and...tomatoes? Anyways, he was talking about the final duel, him versus a guy named Vetrix. Apparently he was an incredibly strong duelist who wanted revenge on some guy named doctor Faker for some reason. Yuma wouldn't tell me.

Yuma: Then he summoned this monster that had four THOUSAND attack points, and at that point I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was gonna lose!

You just nodded and smiled as he continued. You thought the story was a bit hard to believe, but you were still engrossed with it. that it, until you bump right into Yuma, who suddenly stopped.

Yuma: Woah...(Y/N), look!

I look over to where Yuma was and saw a sign with a new card box available. "Tiki Takeover" was the name of the box, and people were swarming the shop trying to get at least one pack, and us two weren't about to sit by and let em get everything. We quickly ran in and luckily you both got a couple of packs.

After all of the shouting, bumping into people, and oddly enough the two people dancing calmly in the middle (still tryna figure that one out), We made it to a spot nearby and sat down.

Yuma: I can't wait to see what's in here! I bet there are tons of new Xyz monsters ready to take over the dueling world!

Yuma wastes no time and immediately he tears into the packs and pulls out his cards.

Yuma: Lets see...Tiki Troop Member: Tiki Goon, Tiki Troop Member: Tiki Zing, Wailer rock fall...These are some weird cards.

(Y/N): Tell me about it, these look way different from other cards I've seen. I wouldn't be surprised if these weren't for an Xyz style deck.

As we continue to talk, it came down to Yuma's final pack, and when he tears it open, my suspicions are confirmed. These are for a fusion deck.

Yuma: A fusion monster...Tiki Tamed Beast: Armored Bull Frog.

Yuma sighs and puts the cards.

Yuma: I can't use fusion monsters! This stinks.

(Y/N): Tell me about it. Welp, no use crying over spilled milk! Lets go!

*A week Later*

It was lunch time and the crew was all together. Yuma and Shark were talking, or should I say bickering, over a rematch they had a couple days ago with Tori in the middle trying to break it up but failing miserably. Bronk was talking to Rio, Flip, and Caswell about...well to be honest, I'm not really sure. That just left Kat and I.

(Y/N): Now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen you duel yet, Kat. Do you not like dueling?

Kat giggles in response before grabbing her bag and pulling out a deck.

Kat: No silly, I do! I just don't duel a lot. I don't really care for dueling against random people. Anyways, these are my cards! Take a look!

As I sort through the cards, it became incredibly clear that it was a cat themed deck. Monster cat, stray cat, cat girl, stray cat girl, etc. I chuckle and hand the deck back to her.

(Y/N): Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you were a monster in that deck. You'd fit right in!

We both laugh, and everyone was enjoying their lunch, but some students walking by made our conversations stop.

Student 1: Remember those Tiki cards that were released?

Student 2: The ones nobody uses? Barely.

Student 1: Well I heard there's this guy that uses them, and he's friggin' amazing with them!

Student 2: No way dude, those cards looked like they were terrible!

Student 1: I'm serious!

Shark looks at Yuma and I.

Shark: New cards came out? When was that?

(Y/N): About a week ago. You aren't missing much to be honest, they were fusion cards. They would have no use to your deck.

Shark hums in response. Tori then chimes in.

Tori: Wait, they said there was a duelist using those cards right? We should try and find them!

Yuma: Hey, that's a good idea! Lets go!

Shark: Hm. Sure, why not. I got nothin' better to do. Lemme just get Rio. She'll kill me if I leave her to walk home alone again.

Shark walks away and a few minutes later he comes back with Rio right next to him. The others aside from Tori left.

Rio: Hey you three!

(Y/N)/Yuma: Hey Rio!

Tori: Alright, everyone's here, lets go!

(Y/N): Wait do we even know where we're going-

Shark: yeah, don't ask. They somehow always figure it out.


(Y/N): Wow, you...weren't wrong.

Somehow Tori found out where the duelist was, and found him. He was just finishing up a duel against another student of our school.

Tiki Duelist: Alright, another win for me! Anyone else wanna go? I still got time!

Yuma's face brightened as he immediately ran ahead, putting his duel gazer on his face.

Yuma: ME, ME!

The duelist turned around and smiled as he saw Yuma running.

Tiki duelist: Alright, sure! Nice to see someone so excited to duel! Names Kalimba, nice to meet ya!

Yuma: Names Yuma, and you to! Now c'mon, lets duel!

Kalimba smiles and nods, his duel disk opening up as he puts a duel gazer on.

Kalimba: Alright, you can go first!


Yuma gives a quick thumbs up before drawing his card.

Yuma: I draw! First I'll set a monster face down in defense mode before setting a card! Your move!

Kalimba: Alright, draw! Lets see...I'll start out by summoning Tiki Tribe Member Two-Face!

Two face falls from the sky and lands. He wears a mask with two different colors: Red on one side and Blue on the others. The rest of his outfit has blue and red on it as well.

two-face: Lvl 3
atk: 300
dfns: 1000

Kalimba: Next I'll activate two-faces special ability! Since he's the only face up card on my side of the field, I can add a Tiki Beast to my hand! I'll add Tiki Beast: Bull Frog! Next I'll activate the field spell, Tiki Tribe Camp!

The park suddenly changes, with trees shooting out, brushes growing, and huts coming out from nowhere.

Kalimba: Next I'll play double summon! This lets me normal summon again, so I'll bring out Tiki Beast: Bull Frog!

Bull Frog: lvl 4
atk: 1500
dfns: 0

A giant green frog runs out from the trees, red spikes on its head and tail. It looks at Yuma and growls.

Kalimba: Now I'll activate my Tiki camps ability! TAME THE BEAST!

Two-Face suddenly pulls out a net and throws it, covering the frog as it thrashes around. Two-Face hops on it's back and-

Kalimba: Say hello to the fusion: Tiki Tames Beast: Bull Rider!

Bull Rider: lvl 6
atk: 2750
dfns: 1000

(To Be continued...)

King of Lightning (Yugioh Zexal x male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now