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Kushira looked sad when she saw her dinner, she was sad because what she ate was her brother's favorite food, who left the village 5 years ago.

If only the Kyuubi had not been sealed in his body, he would always be with his older brother — Naruto Namikaze, after his older brother left he was very shocked considering that he was always with his older brother, even though he was always with his older brother, his older brother's attitude would change 180 degrees when he was at home, he was always a very cold person and always alone in his room and it was not uncommon for Kushira to hear that his older brother was crying in his room.

He really loves his brother, maybe the only person who cares about his brother is him, but look now his father and mother always look gloomy—especially his mother Kushina Uzumaki he doesn't even want to sleep in his room with his father anymore, his mother prefers to sleep in her brother's room.

Every night his brother's room was always filled with his mother's cries of regret, even though his mother was fierce, she had turned into a very gentle person since her brother left the village.

"Kushira-chan why isn't Ramen eaten, Tebbane." Kushina's mother asked.

Kushira took chopsticks and then chopped some noodles "Nii-Chan, Ramen is Naruto-Niichan's favorite food," said Kushira and then ate the ramen.

Minato, who heard it from the opposite table, immediately closed the book he was reading 'I just remembered Naruto's favorite food is ramen' Minato thought. "Don't worry, Kushira, Tou-Chan will take Naruto home and when Naruto comes home he will eat ramen made by Kaa-chan"

Kushina smiled bitterly considering that she had only seen Naruto eat his ramen several times. "Yes Kushira-chan don't worry, Tou-chan and Kaa-chan will try to find and send Naruto-kun home," answered Kushina while putting some Naruto into Kushira's bowl.

"Thank you Tou-chan, Kaa-chan, I will definitely look for and bring Naruto-Niichan," answered Kushira while eating her ramen.

"Yeah, don't worry, Kushira, Naruto will definitely come home." Minato continued while eating his ramen.

Kushina then joined in eating with her husband and children "Yes, I've eaten quickly, Tebbane, after eating you sleep, Kushira-chan." Kushina said

"Yes Kaa-chan"

"It's good that now you can use Shurado, soon you can use Tendo and Gakido you will become a great shinobi," said a thin person with red hair and Rinnegan eyes named Nagato.

Naruto removed all 4 of Shurado's hands on his shoulders "Heh, of course I will be great," answered Naruto proudly.

Not far from the Naruto and Nagato training ground, there were two people—, one wearing a mask and the other person with a white left and black right appearance and surrounded by a kind of plant (?)venus.

"Do you think Naruto will be Madara-sama's successor, as Tobi said?" White Zetsu asked.

"I believe he will be Madara-san's successor" Tobi grinned behind his spiral mask "With those very perfect eyes I'm sure he's on par with the current 5 kage, by the way, have you found people who Great, Zetsu?"

"Of course we've got the data and area, heyy.. Quickly explain" Black Zetsu said.

"Okay, let me start from Kisame Hoshigaki, he is one of the 7 swordsmen from Kirigakure, he is an expert in the water element and he holds the life sword Samehada, then there is Hidan, he is a follower of the jashin school and he cannot die, he is an expert in kenjutsu, then there is Deidara, he is a mercenary bomb terrorist, an expert in Bakuton using clay, then there is Kakuzu, he is a bounty hunter from Takigakure, then there is Itachi Uchiha, he is an expert in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Missing-Nin from Konoha, and there is Sasori who is an expert in Kugutsu whose nickname is Akasuna no Sasori." Clearly white Zetsu introduced the prospective members of 'Akatsuki‚.

Tobi folded both hands in front of his chest "That means we have to find 2 more people?"

"What if Naruto is just one of the members?" Black Zetsu asked.

"Good idea, that means there's only 1 person left?" Tobi asked.

"What if it's D(OC)?" White Zetsu answered.

Tobi turned to Zetsu "Who is D?" Tobi asked.

"No one knows his real name and that's what he comes from, but he has a kekei genkai Byakugan in his left eye!" Clear Black Zetsu.

"I see..." Tobi grinned behind his spiral mask. " Nagato, you have a task with Konan, your job is to gather the people Zetsu will tell you about." Tobi explained to Nagato.

"Okay I'll explain" said White Zetsu.

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