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Naruto POV

I believe that now I have passed my 'father', the famous Kiiroi Senko Konoha, without Madara-sensei's eyes alone I'm sure I can beat him plus I have put the Raiton element into my Hiraisin now with this technique I have passed the speed of 'My Father' and Also Yondaime Raikage ‛A'.

During the 4 months trained by Nagato I have been able to master all Rinnegan techniques as well as the Eternal Mangekyo sharingan, with Rinnegan I have been able to use all 5 elements and I have also been able to use Mokuton, Yoton, and now I am perfecting Hyōton and I am learning to combine Dōton, Fuuton, and Katōn which produces Kekei Tota Jinton, and Zetsu also told me that in 2 days there would be a Chuunin test in Konoha Village, where I was betrayed by everyone except Sandaime-Jiji, Iruka-sensei, Ebisu-sensei and Kushira and also Naomi Uchiha.

I've asked Nagato to force Hanzo to include me as a genin in the chuunin exam so I can enter Konoha to test my strength.

Naruto POV end.

"Okay, now is the time for me to go to hell to pick up some important items at Tajima's house, I'll go there disguised by taking the Chuunin Exam in that bastard village"

"Naruto-san my clone will come with you, and remember Naruto-san Your name is Tona, and I am Tore while my clone is another named Tone, please wear this mask Naruto-san" Zetsu said while giving him a purple spiral mask.

"Good, let's go," said Naruto, who started his journey to Konoha.

Meanwhile, his younger brother Kushira continues to work with his father and mother and is also one of Sannin Jiraiya's lengenda. Now he is practicing Rasengan with Jiraiya in the hot springs. he continued to practice considering that in 2 days the Chuunin Examination would be held in Konoha.

He has been able to master the Kuchiyose Technique to call frogs from Mount Myoboku and he is quite good at Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, he always trains to be strong because he wants to take his older brother Naruto Nakmikaze, whose older brother has been away from the village for 6 years but there is no sign of his older brother appearing.

Likewise with their parents, they were forced to comply with the request of the damn elders because they had made Naruto-His older brother Missing-nin, there were many reports of people in Konoha saying that Naruto was a truly great person, this was proven by the words of several senior jounin who said that his older brother could use Hiraisin.

"What's wrong Ero-sennin" Kushira asked the middle-aged person in front of him.

"Your mother told you to go home because it was almost evening." Answer the person called Ero-Sennin.

Kushira looked up at the sky and it turned out it was getting dark again "Heehhh... "Okay, let's go back to Ero-Sennin," answered Kushira while running away, Jiraiya.

"Baikalah" Jiraiya answered, shaking his head.




"It seems like you can only use that move only twice, Sasuke!" Said a person with hair that fights silver graffiti named Kakashi.

"What if I use that move more than twice!" Sasuke asked as he approached Kakashi.

Kakashi placed his hand on Sasuke's Shoulder "Never use that Move more than twice, or you will die." Then Kakashi Disappears using his Sunshin.

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