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Tona aka Naruto is walking leisurely through the dense forest of death. now he is alone because after being told by Tore and Tone there is one of the Sannin legends, Orochimaru, he asks Tore and Tone aka the white Zetsu Clone to leave, and he holds the scroll of the Earth.

Not long after Naruto walked, he had the arrival of the Kusagakure ninja, "Wow, wow, look what friends we found, a masked boy who got lost in the middle of the forest," said a genin Kusagakure ninja. Meanwhile, Naruto, who was called a boy, only smiled slightly. "What scroll do you have?" Naruto asked casually while folding both hands in front of his chest. "Heh, why do we have Heaven's scrolls?–." "Banshō ten'in" Naruto said. One of the Genin was suddenly attracted by Naruto's hand movements.

"Akhhh–" Genin's scream was strangled by Neruto "Who holds the scroll of heaven?" Naruto asked still strangling Kusagakure's genin "Y-the one holding the G-scroll of Heaven is the woman with glasses it–Akkh!" The genin scream was stabbed by the Black Bar that appeared in Naruto's palm.

"You how dare you kill my friend, feel this," said Genin while throwing several Shuriken at Naruto. Naruto, who saw that, only took a few steps back to avoid Shuriken's direction. Naruto Yang dodged easily then held his left hand "Kaiwan No Hiya" said Naruto, then Naruto's left hand flew right into Genin Kusagakure's face until it bounced far away.

After his left hand merged, Naruto then headed towards the red-haired girl. In front of him was a red-haired and bespectacled girl holding a roll of Heaven. Cold sweat continued to fall from his forehead and his body continued to shake violently in fear.

"T-this is my S-heaven scroll... P-please d-don't kill me-I..." said the girl. Naruto, who saw that, only smiled slightly and then took the Heaven scroll from the red-haired girl's hand. "Calm down, I won't kill you, thank you," said Naruto, leaving the girl who was sitting shaking. "T-Tungu S-what's your name, And w-why don't you M-kill me?" asked the girl. Naruto heard it turn around and faced the girl wearing glasses. "Where's your manners? you should introduce yourself first!" naruto said as he folded his arms in front of his chest. "S-sorry, my name is K-karin Uzumaki". Naruto who heard that just tilted his head 'It turns out he's Uzumaki just like Kaa-san!'Naruto thought as he approached Karin and stretched out his hand.

Karin, who saw Naruto reach out, only lowered her head while receiving Naruto's helping hand which immediately helped her to stand up. "T-thank you, ummm... S-sorry s-what's your name?" Karin asked after being helped to his feet by Naruto. Naruto, who was asked again by Karin, immediately moved his left hand to remove his purple spiral mask "My name is Naruto," said Naruto. Karin, who saw Naruto's face, immediately appeared with a red tinge, as red as her hair as a result of seeing Naruto's handsome face. 'Kyaaa! How handsome He~!' Karin thought as she continued to look at Naruto's face.

Suddenly Naruto felt 2 Chakras in large quantities that a genin would not possibly have. 'I know this chakra definitely belongs to Kushira, and then whose 1 chakra belongs?' Naruto, who had just realized something, immediately grinned 'This Chakra must belong to that Damn Snake Scientist?' Naruto thought.

Karin, who felt the chakra she knew, immediately widened her eyes, remembering someone who had held her captive for years. 'This must be Karin's inner Orochimaru-Sama chakra.

Naruto, who saw Karin widen his eyes, suspected that it was really Orochimaru's Chakra. "Karin, this Chakra must belong to Orochimaru, right?" Naruto asked Karin and Karin responded with a slow nod. "I-yes Naruto-kun, this c-chakra definitely belongs to O-orochimaru-sama" Karin answered haltingly because he would meet his 'master' again'. "Follow me Karin," said Naruto then took Karin to her sister's place and Orochimaru used Hiraisin which had been modified with Raiton chakra.

A second later Naruto and Karin arrived at the battle place of their sister Team— Team 7 and Orochimaru. 'H-great I once read a book about Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze's Hiraisin move. Karin was amazed because the person holding her hand had just used a great move. Naruto, who saw his younger brother and younger brother from one of his organizational colleagues– Itachi Uchiha, was facing Orochimaru, immediately put on his mask which he had removed.

"Kushira! Sasuke-kun!" Shouted the Pink-haired girl, who saw her two friends being severely beaten by one of the 3 Sannin legends, Orochimaru.

"Damn, he's really strong," said Kushira, who was sitting exhausted because of a different opponent. 'He was really great after he bit my neck I couldn't control my chakra as usual' Inner Sasuke continued to hold his neck.

Naruto, who was already wearing his mask, then turned to Karin, "Remember Karin, don't call me 'My name', call me Tona, understand?" Naruto said then pulled his left hand which Karin kept holding. Karin, who heard that, just nodded softly, then suddenly Naruto disappeared leaving behind the blue light.

Meanwhile, Kushira, who was trying to stand up, was immediately surprised by the arrival of a three-headed snake who wanted to attack him.

"Susano'o" Naruto said. Naruto immediately activated Susano'o stage 2, a legacy of his late teacher Madara Uchiha, namely that a blue giant has 4 hands, has 2 hands as usual, while the other 2 are integrated with the other 2 arms. "Enton: Magatama," said Naruto, then Susano'o's arm released black flames in the shape of 3 Magatama fruits. The magatama was then thrown by Susano'o Naruto and immediately split and burned the 3-headed snake which wanted to attack his 'little brother'.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru, who saw the incident just now, only widened his eyes to see what was in front of him now; A teenager wearing a strange purple mask covered by a purple spiritual giant. 'T-that's Susano'o, how could Rinnegan get Susano'o out?' Orochimaru's mind was shocked because as far as he knew, only one person had succeeded in resurrecting Susano'o, namely Madara Uchiha.

As shocked as team 7 is now in front of him there is a giant in blue 'He is the Genin from Amegakure' Batin Sasuke. 'H-great, he can bring out blue monsters and can also produce that black Fire' Sakura Inner Amazed. 'S-so I-this is Susano'o I was once told by Tou-chan that there is only one person who can resurrect Susano'o' Inner Kushira continues to look at the samurai creature that is submerging someone who is picking him up. 'having yellow hair, all black clothes and wearing a strange purple mask, he is the Genin of Amegakure, this is just my feeling or is he Naruto-niichan' Kushira thought, who was feeling the connection between her and the person in the purple mask.

"Mad Snake Scientist, Orochimaru. How can you be on a test that only genin ninjas take?" Said Naruto, who was still activating his Susano'o.

Continuing to focus on the Hole in the Mask, Orochimaru only widened his eyes because he didn't see wrongly 'It turns out it's really Rinnegan, how can Rinnegan'. Orochimaru continued to stare intently at Naruto. "Who are you?" Instead of answering, Orochimaru asked back.

Naruto, who heard that, just crossed his arms "I am nothing, and don't want to be anyone," said Naruto casually. Without warning, Susano'o, who was covering Naruto's body, immediately slashed Orochimaru's body using a katana into two parts. Orochimaru, who did not have time to avoid such a fast attack, only resigned himself to accepting the consequences of Susano'o Naruto's attack.

Naruto just looked disgusted at the part of Orochimaru's head that was lying suddenly opened his mouth wide and spat out Orochimaru in a complete shape. After leaving, Orochimaru regenerated and then withdrew because he was not ready to fight Naruto who had Rinnegan eyes but had a Mangekyo Sharingan jutsu, namely Susano'o.

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