Chapter 13

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We see a young Shigaraki holding a little girl in his arms. She was being held captive by some stray devils which he quickly disposed of. The girl had long blonde hair. However what was most notable about her was her fox like ears and her tails. He approached a large shrine where in front of it was an adult women who seemed to be the mother of the girl in his arms. She was accompanied by to sliders who had bird like characteristics.

???: Kunou!

Kunou: Mommy!

The two of them ran towards each other embracing one another. Shigaraki could only smile at the reunion between the two of them. After he was thanked by the mother who he learned was named Yasaka. He was offered a reward for his efforts. He tried to refuse but was convinced by the puppie eyes from the young girl. He reluctantly accepted and was teleported somewhere else.....

(Flashback over)

Shigaraki: It is good to see you again my lady

He bowed to Amaterasu who pouted at him. She then walked over to him and pulling on his cheek.

Shigaraki: Ow! ow! ok I'm sorry mother

She let go of him and started to chuckle to herself. When she had first met him all those years ago she was immediately curious about him.


We see a young Shigaraki covered with blood. Laying next to him was multiple corpses of guards. Susanoo God of Storms and Tsukuyomi the god of the moon were on their knees panting from exhaustion. They were covered with cuts and bruises and were bleeding a decent amount. He looked up and that's when his and Amaterasu eyes connected. She felt like there was something weird about him. He then fell towards the ground and fell unconscious. She took him and her brothers to an infirmary to have some shrine maidens heal their wounds. She nursed Shigaraki back to full she felt a sort of connection to him. After a few days the three of them woke up. Both of her brothers were on the defensive but Amaterasu wanted to hear his story but he refused. He did however keep in contact with them and over time the four of them formed a bond. The there boys eventually started to get along with each other. Amaterasu started to see Shigaraki as her son and was very insistent that he call her such.
Shigaraki also started to see Tsukuyomi as a father figure as he would always give him advice and help him when needed. He saw Susanoo as an uncle figure since her was the more rambunctious one. One day he started to open up to her and her brothers about his past and they were infuriated. They wanted to go down and wage war on the devils more specifically Sirzechs and Grayfia for what they did to their own son. But surprising he told them not to do that as he held no animosity towards them.

(End of flashback)

(Scene change)

Currently the two of them were sitting down in front of a garden drinking some tea.

Amaterasu: You have grown since the last time I have seen you. How has school been for you find any girls you like?

She said the last part in a teasing tone.
He almost spat out his drink but quickly recollected himself.

Shigaraki: School has been fine, In fact I have managed to make an alliance with the two devil heiress that currently occupy that territory.

Amaterasu: Ah Yes Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. I remember we let them use that territory in exchange for a ceasefire.

Shigaraki: That's not all I met two of my old friends and they are currently living with me along with an excommunicated nun and three fallen angels

Amaterasu: My my it seems you have quite the harem currently.

Shigaraki blushed at the comment which cause her to laugh at him. After recollecting himself again he spoke up

Shigaraki: It's not like that mother, the nun and fallen I took were being treated so I extended a hand towards them. As for my two friends they have been with me through the good and bad they have always had my back so I am going to do the same for them.

Amaterasu then stood up and walked towards him and gave him a hug. Shigaraki however was blushing profusely as her massive breasts were slowly suffocating him.

Amaterasu: I am so proud of you. You really are the son I wished I had. I know you are going to change the world for the better.

She then kept continuing but then was curious on why he wasn't responding. She then looked down and noticed he was passed out. She then started to panic. Then her brothers Susanoo God of Storms and Tsukuyomi God of the Moon walked in looking to have a spar against Shigaraki. When they had figured out what had happened they then reprimanded her. Soon after he woke up and said goodbye to the three gods.


Currently Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga were pissed. They had found out that Rias had lost the rating game against Riser. He had threatened Konekos life if she did not surrender. Shigaraki was especially upset that he had threatened his juniors life. That was when he had an idea a way to kill two birds with one stone

Shigaraki: Dabi and Toga get changed into your battle outfits

Toga: Huh where are we going?

Shigaraki: We're gonna go crash a wedding.

The two of them smirked at him and agreed with his plan. Shigaraki then said goodbye to Asia and the fallen telling them that they would be back soon. Asia wished them well and gave him a hug which he reciprocated.

The three of them then teleported to the underworld with Mini Machia. The three of them were wearing the clothing they wore during the second war from their world.

Dabi: Why did you bring Machia with us?

Shigaraki: well if we're gonna crash a wedding might as well go loud

He then used magic on him to transform him back to normal size. Machia then picked the three of them up and put them on his back. Shigaraki then ordered Machia to go to the Wedding which was being hosted at the Phenex estate

Shigaraki: Rias I promise you I will save you.....


We currently see many noble devils at the wedding. Over by the refreshment counter we see Rias peerage along with Sona. Koneko how ever was looking more gloomy than ever. She was upset at herself thinking she was the reason they lost. Akeno and Kiba were trying to reassure her that it wasn't her fault.
Ravel however was being very loud saying it isn't that surprising her brother had won. Suddenly Riser appeared out of a magic circle.

Riser: Thank you everyone for coming to this glorious day for both me and my bride.

At the mention of his bride Rias appeared from a magic circle wearing a wedding dress. Just as everything was going to plan a guard rushed over to Riser.

Guard: My lord you need to see this!

Riser: What could it possibly be that is worth interrupting this?!

He was shouting at the guard for halting the wedding. Just as the guard was about to tell him the roof of the room was taken off.

Riser: What is that thing?!

He was pointing at none other than Machia. Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi jumped town from Machia landing a few feet away from Riser.

Shigaraki It's been quite a while hasn't it?

End of chapter.....

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