No Love

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Dallas Pov

As Darry drove Johnny and I to his house, we made a quick stop at Bucks. I walked up to the noisy building and pushed through the drunk or stoned customers. I jggled the keys to my room in the keyhole and opened it up. I changed out of my old, dirty clothes. and I changed into black jeans and a brown shirt. I cleaned myself up a bit and went back downstairs to go with Darry. Suddenly a girl brushes against my arm and looks back.

"Hey," I smirked. She was tiny, dirty blonde, and ocean blue eyes. She wore a deep purple dress that was a bit flowy at the end. She looked around my age, maybe a bit younger, and her hair looked silky and shiny. It reached down to her shoulders.

"Hi!" she spoke smiling at me.

"Dally you ready to head back now?" Darry appeared and put his hand on my shoulder. I gave him a "Look I got a girl' look and he nodded.

"Come over when you're ready, gang will be excited to see ya man."

"Alright see ya," I turned back to the girl. "never caught your name?"

"Olivia, but people call me Ollie."

"Alright Ollie, can I buy you a drink?" she nodded and response and we headed to the bar. We spent probably an hour or two chatting and getting to know each other better. Before I knew it, Buck spoke in the microphone telling everyone that he was closing. We heard many complaints, but eventually everybody made their way out. Ollie was heading out with one of her friends but I shouted for her.

"Hey wait! Here's my number!"

She took it and giggled, "Lemme give you mine," she pulled out a piece of paper snd pen from her purse and gave it to me.

Isabella's Pov

Once I reached home, Soda and Pony noticed my blood red eyes.

"ISABELLA! What's wrong!?" Soda questioned while running up to me and enclosing me in his arms.

"It's Dal. His heart beat flattened, then they saved him, but he got a case of amnesia and doesn't remember me!" I told them in one breath and almost broke down again.

"Oh Isa, I'm so sorry!" Pony joined the hug and rubbed my back.

"I just-I want him to remember me but idk how."

"Maybe you can gather some photos of each other or little sentimental items that were important. " Pony suggested

"Ponyboy, you're a real genius did ya know that?" I messed up his hair and ran to my room.

I searched for some pictures of Dally and I, but I couldnt find them. I swear I had some, maybe they will show up later. I found some pictures I took of the gang and some solos of Dal and, I shoved them into an old shoe box. I grabbed our old tickets when we first rode a roller coaster together and many other things. Realizing the time I spent with Dally in the hospital, I remembered that my first day of school was tommorow! I set aside my box of memories and planned my outfit. I laid a white turtle neck with a flannel pattern dress ontop of it. I set some cute white boots and gold accessories. I fell asleep after preparing, dreaming and hoping that Dally would remember me and we could go back to normal.

Only if I knew things would never be the same...

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