Imagine #3 1D/5SOS Doctor ~ Spare Parts

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~ Requested by: sophinaomwilson ~

The bell rang, signaling that it was time to move to our next class, and I gathered my things before leaving. Next up is 8th period, which would take up the last hour of the day before I could go home.

As excited as I was for my last class to be over with, I honestly wasn't looking forward to having to walk home. This morning, I was unceremoniously informed that because Luke had been called in to an emergency shift, I had no ride to school. While this didn't happen often, it did of course have to occur on the worst day possible... a rainy day.

The teacher came in and passed out our note packet for the day, before powering on the projector. For the next 55 minutes we sat watching and taking notes as she went through slide by slide. Though, I do normally enjoy my human anatomy class, for some reason the images were making me feel incredibly queasy.

I stood up and walked to the back of the class, politely requesting to use the restroom, which the teacher agreed to. The minute I stepped out into the hallway, I knew I didn't have long before everything from lunch was going to make its gruesome return. I bolted as fast as I could down the long stretch and came to a screeching halt in the bathroom stall.

It took another ten minutes for my stomach to stop purging its contents, and by the end of it, I felt exhausted.

I got back on my feet and flushed, heading over to the bathroom mirror and cleaning off my face. On the way back to the room, I debated on telling the teacher so I could go to the nurse. I knew though, that the minute the nurse found out I'd been puking she would've called Luke.. and I really didn't want to bother him at work. So, I decided against it.

I took my seat and kept my head down so I didn't see the slide show anymore, however my nausea seemed to stay either way. I'd had a little bit of a headache since earlier this morning, but the throwing up seemed to have amplified it now, as it felt like my brain was pulsating. And I really couldn't stand to keep my eyes open.

After what felt like a decade, the last bell rang, and I stood up quickly. A little too quickly, my room spun a little as I paused, trying to rebalance myself.

"So, headache.. dizziness... classic dehydration case." I heard Luke say in my head. I'd listened to enough of his ER stories to recognize the classic signs.

Nothing I couldn't fix. I'll just re-fill my water bottle in the fountain on the way out of the school, and I'll be set.. I told myself as I grabbed my backpack.

Sadly, chugging the water didn't do anything for the awful way I felt, but I told myself it would just take awhile to sink in. So, with that I stepped outside and began the walk back home.

The minute the wind hit my skin, I broke out in goosebumps and chills. It was mid summer, and when I left for school it must've been at least 89 F outside.. so it really didn't make sense that the temperature had dropped so drastically.

Must be the drizzle.. I reasoned internally.

As the house finally came into view, I let out a sigh of relief and chambered up the steps, unlocking the door. I dropped my backpack off in the floor, really not caring anymore, and drug myself upstairs to my room.

I noticed that with each stair I climbed, both outside and in, a slight pain radiated around my bellybutton.. I didn't remember that being a symptom of dehydration, but I chose to just hope for the best.

Since I was still utterly freezing, I jumped into the shower with the temperature on as high as it could go, just relishing in the heat for as long as possible.

Eventually the headache and dizziness got the best of me, and I got out, wanting nothing more than to lay down in bed.

I climbed in and closed my eyes, hoping to just sleep it off.

I had fallen asleep around 4:30pm, and didn't wake again until 8pm that night when I heard Luke return home.

"Alina, why is your backpack in the floor?" I heard him ask from downstairs, as I opened my mouth to answer a wave of nausea hit and I rushed myself to the bathroom.

The process from earlier started all over again.

This time though, the pain in my bellybutton was much more present, but it was getting lower down on my stomach, and almost bringing me to tears.

I heard Luke knock outside and I quickly flushed and stood up, steadying myself before slowly making my way over.

"Heya kiddo!" Luke exclaimed, as I opened the door.

"Hey bro." I said, smiling, trying to play off just how badly I was feeling.

"Can I come in..?"

It was our normal routine that after school and his work we would hang out with each other and gossip about each others day. It was normally accompanied by popcorn and gummy bears.

"Um.. if it's okay with you.. I'd like to get some sleep." I said, trying to weasel out. As much as I enjoyed spending time with him, I knew the longer we were together the harder it would be to hide my illness from him.

"Oh yeah sure." He replied, backing out of the doorway as I shut it. I could tell that he was already skeptical of what was going on, but I hoped he would just chalk it up to school stress.

I laid back down in bed and pulled the blankets as far up as they would go, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get warm. Even the damn house was cold, so much for pool weather.

Not long after that interaction I passed back out, getting some more rest, but eventually I woke again.

At about 3am I sat up, doubling over in pain as tears cascaded down my face. My whole body was covered in goosebumps and my side and head felt like exploding. I felt desperate for relief at this point, so in the loudest voice I could muster I cried out.

"LUKE!" My voice was hoarse from all the crying, and honestly it was a pretty quiet plea for help, but thankfully he had heard me.

He ran into the room, immediately coming to my side and sitting on the bed.

"What's wrong Alina?" He asked, his eyes wide and panicked.

"M.. my side." I choked out in between sobs, I followed his eyes down to where my hands were clutching my side and he let out a small curse before yanking out his phone.

He typed away furiously before shoving it back in his pocket and reaching over, laying his hand over my head.

"Fuck, you're burning up.." He said, his voice going up an octave.

"Luke.. I'm scared." I whispered out, his concern only amping mine up.

He took a deep breath before standing up and gently lifting me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style.

"You're okay sis.." He said softly as he carried me down stairs and into the kitchen. I watched as he picked up his keys with one hand, and brought me to the garage, setting me down in the passenger seat.

He fastened my seat belt and paused as he brushed the hair out of my face.

"I'm gonna get you to the hospital real quick, do you need anything before we go?" He asked. I could tell that he was purposely forcing his voice to portray calmness, despite how he really felt under the surface.

I shook my head and he nodded, shutting the door and hopping into the drivers side. We pulled out of the garage, and the short drive to the ER began.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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