Imagine # 2 1D/Dentist ~ Stumbled Across

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~ Requested by: 1DLoveImagines5sos ~

I rolled over and felt around on the nightstand, searching for my phone. As my hand landed on it, I quickly swiped my thumb along the bottom, shutting off the alarm.

I felt Niall stir a little beside me and a few minutes later his arm snaked its way around my waist.

"Morning beautiful." He mumbled out, his accent low and thick.

I rolled over to face him and pressed a soft kiss to his nose.


He smiled in response and a short time later multiple knocks echoed in the bedroom, causing us to both laugh.

"Come in." We called out in unison as our two kids ran into the room and threw themselves on the bed giggling.

"I had the craziest dream! There was a turtle, but not a normal turtle it was actually pink with bright blue glitter spots and-" Our oldest, Tilly, rambled excitedly. Meanwhile, her brother, our youngest, James, snuggled up into Nialls arms.

"Can we go to the park?" James asked softly, once his sister had finished her long story.

"We can, after you lot get your teeth looked at." I replied, making the smile on Tilly's face fall.

"I forgot.. I'm busy today." She said, crawling off the bed as Niall chuckled.

"Busy eh? Gotta go to the office?" He asked playfully as the 8 year old scowled and crossed her arms.

"Too busy for ice cream after?" He countered, clearly trying to convince her. She paused, contemplating it before shaking her head.

"Man.. ice cream and the park. Maybe I should get my teeth looked at." I joked, causing Niall to roll his eyes and laugh.

We continued the rest of our morning as normal, cooking the kids breakfast, and getting them dressed. About two hours later it was time to load up into the car and head toward the dentists office, where Niall worked.

He had cleared with his office supervisor that we could come in about two hours before opening, so that Niall could take care of the kids without needing an appointment slot. So, that had made this trip much less stressful for all of us.

As he pulled into the office parking lot, both of the kids who had been playing in the backseat, got quiet. Sensing the tension, Niall doesn't immediately pull into a parking space but rather begins driving the car in tight circles around the empty lot. Getting both James and Tilly to laugh loudly, and return to their once cheerful state.

"Alright guys, what's our deal?" I asked the kids as we helped them out of the car.

"Teeth then ice cream and the park!" Tilly cheered, hopping out of the vehicle and skipping toward the office door. James however, came out slowly and clung close to Nialls side after he exited.

"You okay bud?" Niall asked him softly, ruffling his hair a bit. James nodded in response, and the topic was dropped after that.

Niall unlocked the door for us, and we all made our way inside the dark waiting room. A few moments later the lights clicked on, and I heard Niall cheer from somewhere in the back.

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