Stumbled Across PT. 2

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I followed Niall into the room, as my heart raced. He walked over to the computer and I decided to sit in one of the waiting seats, not quite ready jump onto the dentist chair.

"Alright babe.." He said, pulling away from the computer after a few minutes. "When I was looking at your teeth for that brief second, I noticed a pretty bad cavity on one of your molars." He explained, still smiling.

I clasped my hands together, fidgeting nervously.

"But, it's nothing that can't be fixed. In fact I should be able to have you out of here in 20." I watched as gathered tools on a tray and clicked the overhead light back on. A new pair of gloves were snapped into place and he patted the chair, signaling for me to join him.

As much as I wanted to just comply, I couldn't quite will my body to go toward him. It felt like my system was in panic mode, and all I wanted to do was deny everything he was saying.

Somewhere in the time that I was zoned out, Niall had walked over and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, placing a soothing hand on my knee.

"I really don't know.. I just don't like the dentist, especially when somethings wrong."

I refused to look up at him as I spoke, feeling nothing but embarrassed for my childish behavior. Niall however, didn't seem the least bit phased or upset by my hesitation.

"I know you don't like the dentist." He said, a grin on his face. "You love the dentist." I rolled my eyes at his clarification, but couldn't help smiling a little.

"You're the only exception to that rule."

"And I'm honored." He replied, with a little bow of his head.

We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke up again.

"When I touched the tooth, it was pretty clear that it hurt Vanessa." His voice was gentle, but his words more firm now than they had been. "If I don't fix it now, that pain's only going to get worse."

I let out a small huff, but nodded, knowing that he was right.

"We'll go slow, I promise." He said, reaching over and taking my hand in his. A little bit of warmth radiated in my chest from the gesture and I nodded, giving in

He led me over to the chair and laid it back, as I tried to keep my breath steady.

"Alright, first off I'm just gonna look again, so I can mark which tooth it was for sure."

He pulled out the familiar mirror and I opened my mouth, allowing him to look around. When he spotted it, he removed the mirror and grabbed a cue tip with some kind of gel on it.

"This is just gonna sit in between the gum and your cheek." Niall explained, as he placed it exactly where it needed to be.

A few minutes later he removed it and massaged my cheek a little. "Alright love, tell me if you can feel this." He said, putting the explorer in my mouth. I never felt it, so I shook my head no.

"Perfect," He said, before smiling down at me. "Question, can you find the five monkeys hidden on the tile celling above us?" He asked, throwing me off guard. I looked up, obliging to the odd request and searched the painted square above me.

Suddenly I felt some uncomfortable pressure on my jaw and when I looked back down toward Niall I saw that he was holding a syringe in my mouth. My eyes widened a bit, as I realized what the dull pain was coming from.

"It's okay..." He assured softly. "I'm almost done I promise."

Not too long after the numbing medication was fully inserted, I couldn't feel half my mouth.

"That little monkey trick worked huh?" He asked, teasing me as I rolled my eyes again, causing him to laugh.

He picked up a different tool and brought it over to my mouth.

"This tool makes some loud noises, but you shouldn't feel a thing."

He then started the process of drilling away at the cavity, getting rid of all of the bad bits. The sound was uncomfortable, but he was right I felt no pain.

Thanks to his expert work, about 13 minutes later I was done, and he helped me up.

"Thank you.." I slurred out, unable to work half of my mouth. Niall nodded and gently pressed his lips to mine, and I smiled into the sweet gesture.

He took my hand and together we walked back to the waiting room.

Harry looked up when we entered and smiled. "They were perfect angels." He reported causing both me and Niall to smile as our kids continued playing.

"Comon guys!" Niall encouraged as we walked back to our car. "Remind me where we go next?" He asked as they both yelled "ICE CREAM!"

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