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The uneasy feeling only got worse once in the venue , she figured she would have couple of drink and give lame excuse so she could catch an uber home smoke with soldier boy a thought she least expected to have that was for sure. He was like a vice grip once the walked in locking his arm around her waist almost parading her like some trophy he had won .When she would say they weren't dating he would pinch her side as he added " yet" and a creepy wink . He kept offering to get her drinks too or hold them when she was talking to someone even some of the other women were looking at him strangely . she wondered where the man who would get her coffee , talk about his cat , the shy man who wasn't even able to keep eye contact or a sentence without blushing and stumbling over his words . Now she had a feeling that he was nothing but a future member of the sexual offenders register and she was close to losing her shit and breaking the fuckwads nose whether it be in a room filled with her business partners . Knowing this wasn't worth the distraction of not going home she need to get to come up with excuse or call her lawyer . " would you please excuse me i need to use the ladies room ... alone " she rolled her eyes as his eyebrows wiggled. she slipped  out of his grip and walked as quickly as the heels would allow .

she spent maybe ten minutes in the ladies room on her phone using the time so she could use the excuse of an upset stomach . And in  this situation she would go into great and graphic detail if she needed to maybe get the freak away from her by disgusting him . she seen a shit ton of missed calls from her brother ignoring them like his calls but she did text annie back when she asked how her night was going . " biggest catfish in personality ever even using diarrhea as an excuse" she hit send before messing her hair slightly and using some water to create a sheen of sweat on her forehead to really sell it . she even messed her make up to create the illusion before she walked towards the door . Just as she opened it slightly she seen kevin walking toward the door . " hey man see the plan is going ahead , how did you manage to get Y/N Walton of all people to be your date " a voice of a man she could see but she was sure it was todd another asshole except he didn't hide it . " chicks like her can't resist the nerdy IT guys thanks again for getting me in man , i'll give you a cut of this job " he laughed. " so what homelander will meet you once she out cold right " todd snickered. " yeah i might have fun with her before,be a shame not to hit it before she's tortured to death " kevin's words freezing her to the spot as she felt her stomach really get upset. " go i'll tell them you guys left early or some shit use the back door too " todd patted him on the back before he was gone . the now real sweat was coming down her face as she looked around on seeing the window up top . " hey hot stuff you coming out soon " he called. " oh yeah one minute just freshening up " she kept her voice steady as she took her heels off hoisting herself up using the stall as a levage to get to the window. " i'm sure you look ... get the fuck down " he growled pulling at her legs only for her to kick him straight into the nose the crack echoing through the tiles . " fuck oh i hope he uses you as his own personal cock sleeve " he cried out in pain before pulling her down resulting in her hitting her head hard and dazing her. Now he had  the upper hand as he straddled her hips pulling a vile out and holding her jaw hard , she reached for anything and everything feeling some of the liquid burn her throat til she felt her heel . in a blur she had swung so hard it was wedged in the socket of his eye , as he fell back wailing in pain . " my fucking eye you slut " he cried but she darted past him leaving her heels behind before leaving through the exit and not even looking back , ignoring how she was sure her feet were cut on the glass on the ground  even tripping up and falling . pulling her phone out she didn't even stop as she let it ring . " i need you to come get me i'll send my location , please " she panted before slipping into a huge crowd of pedestrians.

" WHERE IS THAT FUCK FACE NOW " soldier boy burst into the diner stopping when he took her in fully , blood coming down her head and bruises on her face , leg and feet cut up . " he's texting me looky " she giggled . " what the fuck is wrong with you " he looked her own . " i think he drugged me but i feel fine " she wave her hand slurring her words . " give me the phone , shit i hit video call , no wait that better " he winked making her giggle more. " YOU FUCKING BITCH WHEN I GET YOU I'M GOING TO PASS YOU AROUND TO MY BUDDIES THEN HAND YOU TO HOMELANDER AND TELL HIM TO KILL YOU ... oh shit " the suddenly brave yells turning to a high pitched squeak when he finally seen . " Oh shit is right dickface , get cause he's one eye , anyways you can tell homelander from me he comes near her and i'm going to slap your corpse off his sniffling little pussy face and that after i use you like a daisy pluck your fucking limps off like petals , you know iceland is great this time of year should think of going there or anywhere else because if i see your cyclops ass around well you already know now use that good eye and hang up " he smirked as she fell back in the chair in a fit of giggles . " come on we get one of those asswipes check you out " he held his hand out but the minute she stood she quickly felt dizzy before her eyes rolled back and she fell straight into his arms. " she ok " a waitress asked worried . " fuck do i know , do i look like a doctor " he huffed lifting her up and walking out the door . " what happened , is she ok , fuck is that her blood did homelander get her" hughie panicked as she looked her over. " shut up this is really what a man is " he looked to butcher. " debatable " the brit mumbled. " blood is hers and not hers , from the state of the other guy this is nothing , eyeball and all missing and she broke his nose too " he chuckled . " why is she unconscious then " hughie open the door snapping out of his panic sort of . " could be her head  injury or what he drugged her with  as i asked the bitch in there do i look like a fucking doctor , this whole thing was a set up for homelander " ben shrugged putting her into the back seat gently putting a coat over her bottom half . " why you so caring of my sister are you trying to date her or fuck her " hughie gritted his teeth . " i care for her , she only one out of you dicks i can call my friend " ben got in beside her checking her pulse . " is that why she called you " he ask more softer . " maybe it cause i trusted her and didn't assume she was working with vought and his team of pussies " he stared at the already guilt ridden brit . " lets go get someone to check her head out " his gaze turning back to her.

The car had barely even stopped when kimiko lifted her out and ran into the house , " she medical supplies in the closet by the laundry room " ben called in . " what she tell me things we don't just  smoke weed and stare at our hands the whole time " he barked as they all stared at him . He went to the closet himself pulling out whatever annie asked him before running up the stair. " shit she had a mini hospital set up here" MM Looked around the room. " it was the equipment they used for her uncle " ben spoke up as MM got to work checking out her wounds . " the cut is deep but not too deep so i can glue it back instead of stitching it " he smiled sadly wiping as much blood away as he could . " hang up the saline , i'll give her charcoal treatment it will help absorb the drug " he added . " so when will she wake up " ben asked. " that i don't know i mean we could bring her to the hospital but homelander can get her there " he sighed. " so we wait and hope she wakes up " . " exactly it best we can do giving the situation " . " i'll take the first shift " kimiko sat . " we'll take the first shift " frenchie smiled sadly sitting next to her . " i'll take the next one call me at 4am " ben walked out the room . " we're not leaving til she is ok " hughie looked around earning a nod from everyone including butcher as they left the frenchie and kimiko to their first shift .

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