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As all good thing their trip coming to an end back to real , granted not that they did much other then fuck and eat til it was still nice without others to hear except poor fred coming by and catching a sight of them on the sofa. She said a quick goodbye before heading off on the road . The drive felt shorter too as they pulled up to see MM , Mia and Janine coming out of the house. " where you guys off to" she smiled . " We are going to see a movie" Mia almost buzzed happily . " Well, I'll be changing offices" she rolled her eyes. " We'll be changing offices," Butcher corrected . " I wouldn't want you to break your back though," she teased. " weren't concerned about my back health when I was...". " kid around ... have fun guys .. go before he scars the child mentally" she clapped her hand over his mouth. " man your nasty" MM grimaced before giving a not so subtle high five before leaving. " You're an ass, you know that," she laughed . "and you've a beautiful one" he walked off not before he slapped her ass making her playfully glare. When she turned to see Annie and a disgusted hughie . " We saw your back and I saw it went well," she laughed, hugging her. " I didn't need to see that," he grimaced . " Well poor Fred saw worse" she mused. " I don't wanna know" he shook his head. " he probably is sending in his notice soon poor fuck" she added. " who's fred" annie asked . " oh the old ground keeper who caught me fucking her" butcher walked past going out to get their bags. " i see then my choice in wardrobe worked" ben strolled to the now forming group . " if i was a hooker i'd say you done a great job, he packed tinniest fucking clothes and underwear" she droned on getting louder when hughie stook his fingers in his ears trying to drown her out. "I appreciated the packing job you did," the butcher called while walking up the stairs. " So how was it?" Annie asked. " well for old guy he can fuck" she snorted not finished winding her brother up . " I hate you" he whined walking off. " It was good, the peace was what I needed," she said truthfully as they walked to the kitchen. " So what's the plan for the day?" Annie pulled out drinks for two of them . " switching over offices , i'm going to use my uncles while you guys use mine since it's bigger" . " I'll help you out with it by working out," she chuckled. " i need to take the weapons out first cause in case they come out or off while moving shit" y/n mused. " How many are there?" Annie's eyes widened. " I mean a lot since I like to be prepared," she shrugged .

They stood in awe, confusion and shock as she walked around the office pulling daggers, guns and other weapons from different hiding spots . " Weirdest stiffy i've ever had" Butcher whispered . " how did i not know these were here" hughie asked looking around the room . " because i didn't like you then" she replied easily climbing on the cabinet before pulling out more guns before jumping back down . " why are you surprised her headboard has weapons in it" frenchie chuckled. " I've supe organisation that hates me. I gotta be prepared" she rolled her eyes. " I knew they were here, '' Kimiko smiled . " she helped me hide some of them" she shrugged, kicking a leg of a chair revealing a dagger. " Well, shouldn't we keep some incase we need them?" frenchies asked. " yeah i mean i'm not taking them out completely just while we move shit around" she said putting the bag of weapons in the hallway . " Could you make food after this?" kimiko asked, batting her lashes. " suppose I could make something," she winked. "Oi cunt i've been away with you and you didn't make me food" butcher scowled. " I made you breakfast cunt face," she laughed. " Oh true cause we shagged most of the time" he smirked proudly . " I actually hate you" hughie groaned looking between the both of them . " yeah well i have mixed feelings about you majority of the time" she stuck her tongue out at her brother . they got to the task of making the room more like a base of operations then an office space . she gave hughie the money to get more equipment they would need. " I think this is the most stable we've ever been" Annie laughed as she and hughie set up computers while the supes of the groups were lifting the heavier items. " Hey I mean it's the most stable i've been too" she smirked getting up pulling the bag of weapons showing them where they went and how to access them . Frenchie watched in awe, completely amazed at some of the spaces she used as hiding spots. " Food time," kimiko asked . " food time then i need to sort my new office out , i can do that alone" she nodded less cheerful then before and left so no one could question it. " Her uncle's old office," Kimiko sighed sadly. "Leave it to me" Ben nodded before walking out. " she's gonna shoot him" hughie hummed. " why is he so attached to her" frenchie mused that seem to fuck with his head more than anything.

" hey bitchtit's what you making" Ben strolled into the kitchen . " hey Ball bag I'm making a couple of things, one being none , second would be of and lastly your business ... wait til it's on your plate" she chuckled. " need me help with your uncle's office, '' he asked . '' I mean it's not too hard to do, '' she shrugged. '' bullshit I'll help and you'll look less like a pussy" he smiled. " i don't think that's how it works' ' she laughed . " well i don't want to mess up again" he laughed, making her head tilt to the side . " mess up again?". " well you know your case which in hindsight is a little fucked up" he nodded. " why secret crush on me or something benjamin" she teased. " most definitely not , now shut up and do the women's work there " he laughed dodging the knife coming at him . " Hey asswipe, respect your elders" he handed the knife back . " the elder that smokes weed with me all the time" she quirked her brow . " progressive elder" he reasoned. " You called Hughie a pussy daily" she snorted . " he is, i stand by that". " ok well out while i make the dinner" she shooed him off as he smiled before leaving. " such a softy" she yelled making him flip her off as he was walking out the door. While the group watched completely perplexed at the softness of the man before them . something they were going to look into for sure. 

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