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She didn't even realise how fast her movements were til she heard an "oh shit" not stopping til she got to what she needed. Running down the steps of the basement ignoring the flashbacks or the fact it was the first time she'd been down there since Kevin's head blew up . She ignored the lazer burns in the wall as she climbed up on the cabinet pulling out a box only to near fall and hands steady her. " alright little monkey what the fuck you climbing furniture for" ben lifted her down. " Well I made something when the whole world closed down and i'd nothing to do anyways i wanted to see if it worked" she showed him the box . " I don't have X-ray vision dipshit," he rolled his eyes. "Well aren't you a mean grandpa , anyway before this shit show i never trusted supes , ironic now but i mean i started making something that would well be a power stopper or dampener and well i get to test it on myself" she pulled out the cuffs . " the chains come off" she showed proudly. " So how are you going to test them?" he arched his brow. " Well I mean I was overwhelmed, I mean so angry" she said, shaking the thoughts out of her head. " I can test them out" Annie came down the steps . " No, I'll need to do it , I don't know the effects it could have on a person," she winced . " I mean no pain but I don't know if they will make you feel drained or anything" she further explained. " Is it safe?" Ben asked . " I mean I don't know but i wanna try , i don't want to hurt anyone or if i'm you know then burn Butchers dick off" she flushed. " I'll test them," he shook his head. " You could be too strong , I need to do this. If it is not working I will shout Russia and you pull them off" she offered . " no" he looked going to take them off of her. " fuck face i'm testing them you've been grandpa for half an hour so fuck off and follow me" she pushed passed the two of them .

" What is she doing now?" Butcher followed them out to the back yard . " stand back please" she yelled standing letting the angry feeling take over. " Y/N NO" she could hear Ben charging towards her . " fuck off" she growled letting the flames grew larger letting no entry to her at all . She felt her hand shaking as she slapped the cuffs on and the flames started to die down . " Yess they work... Russia Russia" she yelled before hitting the ground. " FUCK SAKE" Ben growled hitting the button and the cuffs coming off. "What the fuck just happened" they ran towards the two. " She's ok , she's coming around" Ben rolled his eyes. " It worked," she smiled only to look up and see the pissed off expression of his face staring down at her  . " You passed out," he huffed. " It worked too well," she groaned, getting off the ground. " you're not going to stop til it's working right". " nope" she beamed. " could either of you two be so kind as to tell us the fuck is going on?" Butcher stood between the two of them . " Little Thomas Edison here made power stoppers and she is trying to get them to work so she doesn't burn your dick off" Ben pinched the bridge of nose. " i prefer tesla and not just that" she flushed. " wait shit you did that" frenchie ran taking the device in hand. " Cool right" she beamed. " Very...not cool" he gulped seeing the rest of them glaring at him . " wanna help me fix it" she smiled. " fuck yes" they watched as the two ran into the house. " again what the fuck is going on ?" .

" So this is how you did it" he mused looking at the blueprints . " yes i mean i just need it to work everyday and not make me pass out" she mused. " hey mia said she could push meeting's and work related things til tomorrow" hughie walked in wanting to see what they were doing but yet stop her at same time. " I suppose we can work around all that," she sighed . " she made sure they were just video calls for now" he added eyes scanning over the blueprints . " shit this is very tesla of you" he smiled. " i mean if we can get it perfected i won't burn the place down" she winced ."Annie and Soldier boy , your grandpa could show you how to regulate it" hughie said. " and this will help before that" she shrugged taking the screw driver off of frenchie. "You won't hurt us" hughie reassured her. "Well I wanna make sure of it" she nodded with finality. " nothing's going to change your mind huh?" he asked. " nope i want control of my life and I don't want to be afraid of myself. To be honest I'm pissed off, which is too dangerous" she shook the thoughts out of her head. " ok let's try this" she felt the anger take over flames coming around her body and putting the cuffs on this time sent a shock making her yelp and pulling it off stopping it . " Russia '' she huffed, pulling them off as she pulled the white board and wrote it down .

Over the course of the afternoon , she got zap, hit the ground , even burned each time they tried to adjust it . Each squeak, yell and cry made Ben pacing the floor wanting to stop the whole thing til she and the two men ran up the stairs big grins on their faces. " We did it, " she said, showing the device on her wrist. "She did it, we just watched and handed her tools," frenchie smiled happily. " So you can make something to stop supes using their powers" Annie stood . " I mean yeah but i don't know if they would work on each supe" . " we can try that another time no more evil genius shit" Ben sighed in relief all though the marks on her wrist didn't make me any less angry . " this doesn't change anything i mean i'm a tech guy in this whole thing" she added. " YES" Both Ben and Butcher agreed. " You know that might make me change my mind" she glared at the men. "Ok enough for the rest of the day tomorrow we are all back to work" annie called. " yeah i need to order a new bed" she winced. " We can use mine," Butcher winked. " test the full extent of these" she winked back . " yeah i'm less excited about those now" hughie faked a gag . " that was stupid you could of hurt yourself, your only out of a coma " ben stormed towards her. " and you've only been my grandpa for less than a day so chill your ass out before i put it in a home" she crossed her arm. "mate calm down" butcher could see soldier boys chest glowing . " look i'm sorry i scared you but i am not a child and if  was careful , i know your worried about me but i'm not going anywhere well i mean if you don't calm it  that is" she softly hand over his chest. " promise no more hurting yourself" he asked. " no more hurting myself... for now" she laughed making his anger melt. " shit that should count as a power" hughie looked shocked to see how easily she was able to de-escalate the situation. " she still an asshole" ben said easily. " he's still a dickhead" she shrugged  . " both of you are weird cunts" Butcher mumbled . " and your  in love one of them" annie whispered. " well it's definitely not the granny grabber" Butcher smirked.   

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