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Slowly but surely she found herself getting along with the group and getting used to having more people in the house . She would help frenchie with meals when she wasn't working and at night she and soldier boy would sit on her balcony enjoying the smoking of the devils lettuce as she talked about random shit and he would ramble on about the good old days. Even found herself being nicer to annie letting her join the morning runs . once thing that did and didn't change was she was still awkward and would only do small talk with hughie but she was less snappy with him so he counted it as a win . she and MM talked about the shows they have binged watched . another thing that changed was how butcher was interacting with her , he was suddenly hot and cold with her , questioning her on small things even while she worked and the day she was putting in the code he was almost interrogating her . She would of explained it all but they way he was acting was all too common theme , a painfully consistent move she was used to all too well . so she kept to barely any interaction with the brit and if she did it was small talk .

Friday came  and there was  sitting on her bed staring at  her closet at dresses .Not seeing anything that stood out or said " ME" to her . She wanted to bash her brains out of her head groaning at it just as annie had found her. " hey sorry i knocked a bunch of time just seeing if you needed help " she smiled. " i need a miracle i've no idea what to wear , i still need to shower , hair and makeup " she fell back on the bed. " may i look " annie looked to the closet. " be my guest cause i've no fucking clue and kevin's going to be here in like 2 hours" she huffed . " is kevin you date "annie called out as her eyes scanned threw the dresses . " i'm his plus one it's one of the firms i help with , he works in IT" She laughed. " you wanna impress or what we looking for here" annie asked already looking at the red fabric in front of her eyes . " i mean he's cute but i'm still unsure " she sat up . " well this would be perfect , it's classy yet sexy and even if you don't want the cute nerd he'll be that awestruck it will be his honor just to have you as his plus one " she winked as Y/N face broke out in a big smile. " holy shit it's perfect , ok we are officially friends now" she got up hugging the woman before rushing off to shower. " if kevin shows up please keep the guys away " she called out. " you got it and if you need me let me know " annie yelled out smiling widely happy with the new friendship .

" your sister just called me her friend" annie danced happily as she sat with the rest of the team . " well at least she likes one of us that isn't kimiko " hughie sighed feeling slightly jealous of his own girlfriend relationship with his sister. " no she cool with us all even in her words the fossil fucker there " MM smirked pointing to ben  . " hey only she can call me that " ben yelled making everyone shoot him a curious glance . " it only seems to be you and well now  butcher she's not so talkative with , which by the way did something happen cause both of you were cool " he turned to the brit. " Nothing happened or is going to happen ... look ok she bit too secretive for me i mean she hiding something and i just wanna suss it out is all " butcher shrugged. " just ask her she's pretty honest and when i say ask i mean like a normal person she will answer , like when homelander showed up and threatened her about the whole code thing she answered my questions and she didn't even like me " annie pointed out . " what you mean homelander threatened her " hughie stood up . " other day we were shopping i could of sworn i told you anyways she handled him like a boss bitch , she cut him to shred ... verbally that is " annie smiled . " she can be so bad ass at times i mean everyone expect her to be spoiled brat maybe she can be a princess at time but not the bad kind " hughie joked . butcher only heard bits and pieces as he stormed out and went towards her room , something was fishy and it was bugging the shit out of him . " aright cunt what are you hiding because i don't buy the whole video shit ... " he started strong firm then she turned around and he could swear he stopped breathing for a second at the vision she was before him . " ah that explains it " she turned back to the mirror fixing her hair . " explains what " he tsk trying to keep the strong and firm stance but she had him completely stunned. " explains you're being a dickhead with me " she went to her jewellery box looking for other bracelets and rings to finish her look . " and are you going to explain or is this a guessing game " he frowned even if it kept faltering . " i mean go ahead but i can't stay long my date is on his way so chop chop " she smirked . " ok so  hear me out , you got more information you're letting on , its all a bluff and bullshit or your working for vought and this is some elaborate plan to trap us " he could see the hurt flash across her face as the last one knowing maybe it was definitely the wrong one . " why would i work for them seriously i know you don't know me that well and all but jesus i thought you would even know how much i hate them , if i was working with them you and the team would of been fucked long time ago , fuck off let me finish getting ready " she growled picking up her heels half tempted to kill him with them . " i mean might not of gotten the chance but now " he shrugged internally kicking his own ball sack with how it all flowed out. " why the fuck would i work for the monster that killed my two little sisters , two small children who never done anything to anyone in this life , why would i work for the people that i haven't had a full nights sleep in ten years because my step dad wouldn't donate or support them , when you guys leave i won't bother you again so your not worried of me trapping you " she scoffed walking past him . " oh come stop throwing a tantrum , jesus kid was bang on you can be right spoiled princess " he laughed mockingly again wondering what the fuck was wrong with him . " hughie called me a spoiled princess " she almost whispered of course he was only using her yet again . " how about you and hughie go fuck each other cause your both fucking matched " she snapped . " hey what going on , we heard yelling and wanted to make sure you didn't kill him " hughie chuckled. " spoiled princess , add stupid cause yet again i fell for your i wanna be a brother crap yet again , i doubt it but rest of you guys can stay longer if you want , you two can leave tomorrow i'll give the suv i have . it can be a goodbye never talk to me again dearest brother and the prick with the shitty beach shirts gift " she laughed dryly before anyone could say anything the bell at the front gate alerted her . " excuse me that's my date " she walked off trying to not cry or show them any emotion . " what the fuck did you do " . " i may have royally fucked up " butcher sighed didn't take a genius to figure that one out either . " you ruined all progress i made of getting my sister back " . surprisingly to his surprise instead of storming off hughie punched butcher harder then he ever did then stormed off . He did however failed to hide the fact he hurt his own damn hand .

She stood on the front porch as kevin pulled up she gave him her fakest smile before coming down the steps. the on edge feeling stirring inside her screamed for her to cancel but she was hoping it would be the distraction she needed . " holy fucking christ wow you look ... hot as hell " the sleazy smile and the way his eyes roamed her body made her skin crawl . " thanks you look smart too buddy " she gave tight lipped smile ignoring the laugh she could hear from the balcony. " shut it  and save some for when i get back " she whispered as she got into the car only to see the thumbs up over balcony . " you ok " kevin asked seemly back to the one she knew . " oh me and my bro.. friends had nasty fight i don't want to talk about it lets just go " she smiled fakely again . something felt completely different with the once cute and sweet IT nerd she would chat coding and programming with now this sleazeball who kept trying to put his hand on her thigh while they drove. The distraction of the party was her main focus needing to get out of her house as wasn't everyday you're called a traitor and a spoiled princess in the one sitting even after giving no signs of being either . a bitch and mean one at time but still she wouldn't help vought or anything that came with that evil organisation .

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