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hi guys i wrote this before the release of season four although most my fics never follow timelines more loosely base on the source material none of the newest characters will be in this as i've not watched the newest season yet i wanna binge it so if you wondering where the newest characters are sadly wont be in this fic but once i'm done this fic i will be writing a hughie fic i might include them in that, also again my fics are loosely based on the material so it will sometimes mention of the events in the show but not always i also have a oneshot book with various character so if there is a oneshot of the boys you want just look on my page for the oneshot shop and you can request one   and i hope your enjoying this fic so far  thank you for all the reads and the votes its much appreciated  while i'm still learning and improving my writing skills i appreciate all of the people that enjoy  my work so far 

you cunts are fucking A 

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