Training day

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The first week of working here regular jobs as well as now the work she was doing for the boys would have been a lot harder if she wasn't outsourcing her responsibilities. Hughie and Mia both worked around everything, splitting the case loads between the three of them . The case of HR manners didn't slow down which just added more information for her scum list that would need to be dealt with soon enough. During lunch she was able to work digging up routine hangouts and spots for the renegade supes which wasn't a lot since they seemed to be keeping a low profile yet something was coming they just needed to keep pushing on it. Even the attention sucking praise parasite that homelander was, he was even keeping quiet something was definitely coming that was for sure. Yet here she stood in her back yard standing around her were ben , annie and kimiko. " this is stupid i mean for all we know i could burn us alive" she glared. " Oh stop being a pussy, I can't be hurt" . " They could," she nodded to the two. " we want to try to see if you can control it is all ok no pressure". " with him here my yard is gonna be fucked" she sighed . " Take the cuff off and stop being a wimp, it's not in our genes" Ben rolled his eyes. " He's a dick for a grandfather , need a nap old man" she taunted throwing the cuff off. " jackass" he spit back, eyes glowing red . " ok lets start off small you too" annie called seeing the both standing tall . " let's do it ...DODGE" Soldier yelled as he lazer came as she rolled to the ground . " WHAT THE FUCK"she growled her own eyes glowing a red orange colour. " His lazer hit her leg," kimiko signed . " Are you sure she doesn't look injured?" Annie asked, squinting to look through the flames. "He didn't, my leg is totally fine," she said, turning to the woman what she didn't see was a soldier boy's lazer coming towards her along her skin. "Well I'll be damned, you are my grandkid" he chuckled. "Yeah don't remind me fuck face" she rolled her eyes . " oh shut up you love me anyways come on less this chit chat it's not the sewing circle so come on girl" he clapped. " who the fuck sews anymore" she shook her head . " You do," Annie snorted.

"Come on, you're not even trying anymore dipshit," he growled. "Suck my dick old man" she panted to the two others sitting with the rest of the group . " No, you need to be able to protect yourself, what if we were under attack now til his eyes hit hughie. " or "what if i was to turn your brother to a roast chicken" he smirked eyes glowing red. " I'll snap your neck myself"she growled the red in her own eyes, getting brighter and the flames spreading heavier . "Ok enough you two" Butcher called. "Hey hughie come here buddy '' Ben smirked at her and what he didn't expect was to be sent across the yard. "HOLY SHIT" was all she could hear from the group of friends. " That's it, good job"Ben groaned, lifting himself off the ground. " we're done, calm down angel," Mia shouted. "She's right, we're done for the day," Ben smiled . "That was a prick move and you know it , don't use people I love to get a rise out of me"she held her hand out for him to grab. " it worked so stop getting your pantie in a twist" he got up wiping down his clothes. " don't or we aren't training together" she stood her ground. " Fine stop pmsing now lets smoke"he walked ahead as she grabbed the power dampers off the ground and snapping them in place. " no i need to get back to work but later" she headed into the house. "No smoking without me, why don't you use the gym or pool" she called back .

They sat reading more reports coming in one of the smaller companies sent making her stomach crawl . " So a small company is being harassed by the bigger one what"hughie looked confused as she began pacing. " both companies are part of a chain and when one girl came forwards of another guy it been a whole thing" she rolled her eyes. "Call a meeting the guys and the managers" she huffed, " now i mean i can get it tonight" mia gulped. " Well then tonight" she agreed . " these fucks can't keep doing this" she growled pulling the files, pictures and evidence built up . " You want me to call Franklyn," Mia asked softly. " oh most definitely" her head nodding as she already began preparing. " Franklyn?" . " My lawyer , my uncle's lawyer, he can be trusted," she smiled softly. "Is this safe for her?" Hughie whispered softly to Mia . " not really i mean dirtbags who prey on women but I mean it's angel . She's a badass' ' she shrugged, hiding her own worried thoughts of the whole situation . '' Maybe we should tag along" he said something about his little sister in a room full of future sex offender registry members that didn't really sit well . " i can't bring you guys i mean you were all over the news at some stage for well you know and ben definitely not they'll be lasered before i even set foot into the room" she shook her head." I want these guys to pay and once I seize their company I can sell to a buyer that's more safe. '' She explained that she looked into potential buyers and even sent uncovers so it wasn't a corporate ploy to try to trick her. " how do you know so much about all this''. '' because it's what my uncle has been doing for years before me, he taught me everything i know" she beamed proudly. " why hasn't the world heard more about this?". " because they're more concerned over PR cover up then actual action , i mean these one probably the bigger of the one and more personally involve giving my best friend , it's like you guys take down dirty supes , i do same but in corporate settings but i can't wait to help with the supe part" she smiled before heading off to her own office making sure all the loose end where tied and everything was air tight , there was no room for mistakes. everything had to be perfect and solid , she had to make them sweat and hit them where it hurt before pouring the salt in the wound and getting the victims the justice and help they deserved . she was sending these fuckers down one way or another.

Standing looking in her closet she looked at her options what was she wanted to present herself. Which she knew either way they would have something to say even if she was helping they still had something to say . her look , her age and her gender it was always brought in . sexist , demeaning shit when she was literally saving their companies. She hated being in meetings or even in their company at all. The main reason she did most of the shit remotely also would help victims be more comfortable if they wanted to tell her about their complaints. She didn't know how her uncle did this shit, the corporate superman saving underpaid , overworked and mistreated workers who would think no one cared . She had done it a couple of years and she felt like snapping their necks and calling it a day . Wasn't only female victims and they weren't all sexual assaults . somewhere overworked and underpaid , threats to make sure they would never get another job again, some of the workers desperate to keep their jobs due to bills needing to be paid , their family fed or certain personal issues where money was needed. And yet the bastards get great paychecks, having many luxuries and no worries . She pulled the pants suit that made her feel like a boss bitch , one that made her look powerful yet sexy as hell in case there was press ,she made sure to look good .  

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