Jungkook's Guide to Babysitting - 17

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Jungkook was slowly getting used to his new routine, perhaps a boring one. He had nothing to do other than babysitting the little creature. Walk her to school, work out, eat, more work out, eat, bring her back from school, answer her silly questions, work out, eat, and maybe get fucked if he was lucky.

He couldn't say he was adjusting well but he was. It was purely because he had no choice. But what could he do? He was the loyal guard dog and his duty was to do what he was told to do.

So when Jimin called him and Taehyung together to his office one morning, he was elated. Taehyung knocked once to announce their presence before entering the room.

Jimin was in business mode and his posture demanded respect from everyone in the room. His sharp suit accentuated his confident demeanor and his presence seemed to command attention as always, exuding an air of authority. Jimin's focus was unwavering, his eyes scanning the room with a keen intensity that hinted at his meticulous attention to detail.

His boss waved both at him and Taehyung, gesturing to them to take a seat from behind his desk. Namjoon was already there on one seat; legs crossed at the knee and greeted them with a two-fingered salute.

"Hey, Atty, long time no see." Jungkook returned the salute, taking a seat beside him while Taehyung shook hands with him before taking the other seat. "What's the matter boss?" he asked, facing Jimin.

"We have received several complaints in the past few weeks about some thugs causing trouble in the hospital area that's under our control." He slid a few photographs toward him and Taehyung. "They're claiming they're one of us and doing as they please."

"What the hell?" Taehyung mumbled. "Why would someone claim to be ours and cause trouble in our territory?"

"Definitely an idea some stupid brat came up with," Jungkook replied, eying the photographs. "Just a smack on their heads would do the trick and send them packing."

"The shop owners and people in that area have raised several concerns regarding them," Namjoon added. "Apparently, there are two in this group who are posing as you two. So the people don't dare question them."

"What?!" Both Taehyung and Jungkook turned to face him in unison.

"They're posing as who?" Jungkook gritted his teeth.

Namjoon chuckled. "Apparently the infamous bull dog and the most feared Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook frowned. That was the most outrageous thing he heard after a while. Why would anyone use his name unless they had a death wish? "How could people mistake someone else for me? There's only one me." He scoffed.

"We need to investigate this as soon as possible and put an end to it before they sully our gang members name any further," Jimin said. "This is a serious matter because people who haven't seen you both in person genuinely believe it's you. Hope we are on the same page."

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