Jungkook's Guide to Babysitting - 22

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CW: Nightmare, mentions of past character death and PTSD

Jungkook woke up with a cold sweat coating his body. The distant light from the garden shining through his window was the only light in the room. His frantic gaze glanced around, hands reaching for his gun as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Min Ara's pale face flashed in front of him and he frantically patted at his chest, searching for that tiny bundle he was supposed to keep safe. The nightmare was still fresh, still so real as if it had happened only hours ago.

He tried to remember the therapist's advice. However, he could remember nothing in this state of mind. The sound of his racing heartbeat was too loud in his ears. Jungkook was only able to release a relieved breath once he found the reassuring weight of the gun in his hand.

But Jungkook knew it wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory. Ara's tears and final words echoed in his ears accompanied by a newborn's inconsolable cries. His ears rang with those terrifying sounds. Only this time Ara's face faded and instead there was Ari lying lifeless in his lap.

Jungkook dashed out of his room and bounded through the corridor like a bat out of hell. His footsteps echoed in the dimly lit corridors. Only minutes later, he stormed into Ari's room, pausing only when he saw her safe on the bed.

The little one was deep asleep. Jungkook felt a bit of reality returning to him for a moment but Ari chose that moment to stir, rolling onto her back and the night lamp illuminated his face.

Jungkook gasped. For a second, Ari looked exactly like her mother, which caused his knees to weaken. "N-Noona?" he mumbled, taking a step forward. He approached her bedside, confused with his reality and the nightmare.

However, another voice coming from the room stopped him. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook whirled around, lifting the gun in his hand, cocking and taking aim in an instant. His sharp gaze immediately picked up the shadow lingering in the corner chair, accessing the outline for possible threat. Though still disoriented, Jungkook couldn't make sense of a stranger being in her room at this time of the night.

"Show yourself!" he thundered.

"Lower your gun, Jungkook," Jimin's calm voice commanded before the man himself emerged from the shadows, holding his own gun. "Your little thing is safe. You don't need that here."

"Boss?" Jungkook frowned, lowering his gun. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one to ask you that," his boss countered. "You look like shit."

"I..." Jungkook looked away, raking a hand over his hair. "It's nothing." He shrugged one shoulder. "Just checking out if she's safe."

But his boss didn't seem to buy it. He took another step forward. "Nightmare?"

Jungkook swallowed thickly. Only a few knew of it and nothing could escape Jimin's observation. He nodded once, his movement jerky.

"When did they start?" Jimin asked, securing his gun. He was in his night wear but his eyes were sharp and intense, so clever.


His boss knew. Jungkook pivoted on his heel to hide his face from Jimin. "Since she arrived," he replied genuinely. "S-She looks like m-madam and all I can see is..." He couldn't finish the sentence.

How could he explain everything to his boss? The man lost his wife that day. Jungkook had failed him.

"What are they about?" There was not even a hint of anger or disappointment in his voice like Jungkook expected.

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