Jungkook's Guide to Babysitting - 24

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The Park Mansion

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The Park Mansion

For some reason, Ari was only attached to Jungkook like a shadow. While she was friendly with the others, she wasn't close to any of them like she was with Jungkook.

The Park household that wasn't used to baby feet until then had adapted pretty soon. The fearsome thugs and goons were all putty in her hands, ready to bend backward if she commanded. But Ari often moved on with a shy smile and didn't engage much.

Now they were in the TV room, surrounding Ari. Whoever was there in the mansion and wasn't busy joined them, hoping to earn some brownie points with their boss's little one. Driver Woo tried to engage with Ari as much as he could, talking about the movie. But Ari only responded in a word or two, otherwise just nodded along.

It didn't appear like she was actually focused in the movie. If anything, the little one looked like she had a lot going on in her mind. Still Driver Woo tried his best to keep her entertained.

Driver Woo wanted to be her friend for a long time but didn't know how. Like Jungkook, most of them were never around children and Ari was like a little wonder to them. It was amazing to see a little human growing up. At this rate, he feared he'd just be a person who hangs around Jungkook for her.

She was excited to pick the Mi series. As they watched together, he tried his best to get a reaction from Ari, eventually getting immersed in the series. He was naturally vocal and gave into his emotions whenever they watched a movie. So he didn't even realize he was once again loud with his comments and reactions. In a particular turn of events in the movie, he promptly burst into tears.

"What happened?" Ari questioned innocently.

"I forgot this movie is a tear-jerker." He sobbed. "This is so embarrassing."

"Tissue." Ari handed him the tissue box with adorable rounded eyes, looking at him empathetically. "It's okay to cry, Uncle Woo. I cry sometimes too."

Driver Woo continued to sniffle and grabbed a tissue to wipe his eyes. The situation was similar around them but they were more discreet compared to him. Nanny Soo in turn had fallen asleep unlike Butler Jang who had a perfect poker face.

"I'm so sorry, Young Miss. I've always been like this. When we watch movies with Jungkook, he punches me sometimes for being loud."

Now that got a reaction from Ari. "You watch movies with Kookie?"

"Yeah, sometimes. But he gets bored so easily and he doesn't watch movies that have sequels."

Ari grinned for the first time that day as she continued to watch the movie. Driver Woo realized how her eyes lit up at the mention of Jungkook and a sudden idea clicked in his mind. This was his chance.

"You know what? I can tell you everything I know about Jungkook if you want?"

Ari looked bright once again. "Oh." She cocked her head to the side curiously. "What does Kookie like to eat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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