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I stood at the window of my small London flat, watching the city buzz with a vibrant energy that contrasted sharply with the serene, isolated environment of Hogwarts and the rural simplicity of my childhood home. From my fourth-floor apartment, the cityscape encapsulated the essence of my new beginning: ambitious, chaotic, and infinitely promising.

The flat itself, while modest, felt like home with its personal touches. A well-worn Slytherin banner from my Quidditch days adorned one wall, flanked by a framed photo capturing my team mid-cheer. The banner's emerald green and silver had faded slightly over the years, but it still held a place of pride. Nearby, a hefty bookshelf groaned under the weight of tomes on magical law and ancient runes, my academic passions during my years at Hogwarts. Shadow, my companionable black cat, snoozed on the windowsill, his sleek form stretched out to catch the late morning sun. His presence was a soothing constant in my life of change, a reminder of simpler times.

"Another day, Shadow," I murmured, scratching behind his ears. He purred in response, eyes half-closed in contentment.

I turned from the window, the city's distant hum a backdrop to my thoughts. My mind lingered on the day ahead at Blackthorn & Associates, where I had recently started as a junior associate. The firm, renowned for its prestigious clientele and high standards, was both a dream and a relentless challenge. Today was significant—a major case discussion involving an inheritance dispute between the Malfoys and the Zabinis.

I moved to the small kitchen, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. The kitchen was cramped but cozy, with white cabinets and a dark wooden countertop that was perpetually cluttered with parchments and scrolls. I poured myself a cup of coffee, the rich aroma helping to dispel the last remnants of sleep. As I sipped the steaming liquid, I reviewed my notes for the case, my mind already buzzing with legal arguments and strategies.

After a quick breakfast of toast and jam, I glanced at the ornate clock above the fireplace. Realizing it was time to leave, I crouched down to pet Shadow once more. "Be good, Shadow. I'll be back soon," I said softly, scratching him behind the ears. He blinked at me lazily, as if to say he had no intention of being anything but. With a final pat, I grabbed my bag and apparated directly to Diagon Alley.

The bustling heart of Diagon Alley greeted me with its familiar sights and sounds. The cobblestone streets were alive with witches and wizards going about their business, colorful shopfronts displaying a variety of magical wares. I navigated through the crowd, the imposing stone facade of Blackthorn & Associates looming ahead. The building was an old, stately structure with ivy creeping up its walls and large, arched windows that gave it an air of gravitas.

Inside, the air buzzed with anticipation. The reception area was grand, with dark wood paneling and a plush, emerald green carpet that muffled the sound of footsteps. I made my way to the conference room, where Amelia Bones, a senior partner with a no-nonsense approach, greeted me with a sharp nod.

"Freya, prepared?" she asked, her voice crisp and authoritative.

"Thoroughly," I replied, feeling my nerves settle into the familiar groove of determination. Amelia's brief smile was all the encouragement I needed.

The meeting room was an elegant space with dark wooden panels and a long mahogany table. I took my seat and spread out my notes, feeling the gravity of the case settle in. The room slowly filled with my colleagues, each bringing their own expertise to the table. Amelia started the discussion, her voice cutting through the low murmurs.

"Today's focus is on the Malfoy-Zabini case. Freya, you have the floor."

I stood, taking a moment to collect my thoughts before launching into a detailed analysis. "The main issue here is the conflicting claims over the Serpentine Necklace, an artifact of considerable magical power and historical significance. The Malfoys assert that it was a gift from their ancestors, while the Zabinis maintain it was stolen during a family feud centuries ago."

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