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The following week at Blackthorn & Associates began with a familiar sense of urgency. My desk was piled high with legal parchments, case files, and thick tomes on magical law. The Malfoy-Zabini case had entered a critical phase, demanding even greater attention to detail. My morning was consumed by drafting a comprehensive brief that would address both the historical context and the legal precedents surrounding the disputed Serpentine Necklace.

Mid-morning, an inter-office memo fluttered onto my desk, bearing the unmistakable neat handwriting of Amelia Bones. "Freya, my office. Urgent." My pulse quickened as I gathered my notes and made my way to her office. Amelia's summons were never to be taken lightly.

As I stepped into her office, the severity of her expression told me this was no ordinary meeting. She gestured for me to sit, her eyes never leaving the stack of parchments before her.

"Freya, we've received new information that could significantly impact the Malfoy-Zabini case," she began, her tone grave. "There are allegations of forgery involving the ancestral documents both families have presented."

I frowned, the implications of this revelation sinking in. "Forgery? Do we have any leads on who might be responsible?"

Amelia nodded. "We suspect an external party might be involved, possibly someone looking to profit from the dispute. I need you to lead the investigation on this. Your expertise in ancient runes and historical documentation will be crucial."

I nodded, my mind already racing with strategies. "I'll get started immediately."

As I left Amelia's office, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The stakes were higher now, and any misstep could have severe consequences for our clients and the firm's reputation.

Back at my desk, I immersed myself in the task at hand, cross-referencing the disputed documents with known historical records. Hours slipped by, my focus unbroken until the soft hoot of an owl drew my attention. It was a message from Hermione, confirming our meeting later that day to discuss the house-elf legislation.

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for another round of interactions with Fred Weasley. His presence was a necessary evil, but I resolved to set clear boundaries this time. After a quick lunch, I gathered my materials and headed to the Ministry.

Hermione's office was abuzz with activity when I arrived. She greeted me warmly and ushered me inside, where Fred was already waiting, his usual grin in place. I forced a polite smile, determined not to let him get under my skin.

"Freya, Fred, thank you both for coming," Hermione began, her tone professional yet kind. "We've made good progress, but there are still several key issues we need to address before finalizing the draft."

Fred leaned back in his chair, his expression surprisingly serious. "I've spoken to a few house-elves who've worked with my family. Their main concerns revolve around fair wages and working conditions. They're afraid of losing their jobs if they push for better treatment."

Hermione nodded. "That's a common issue. We need to ensure the legislation includes provisions that protect their employment while guaranteeing their rights."

I added, "We should also consider setting up an independent body to oversee these matters, ensuring compliance and addressing grievances."

As we delved into the details, I found myself grudgingly impressed by Fred's contributions. Despite his usual carefree demeanor, he clearly cared about the issue and brought valuable insights from his personal experiences. By the end of the meeting, we had a robust draft that balanced the house-elves' rights with practical considerations for their employment.

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