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Sunday morning arrived with a crisp, clear sky, the sunlight filtering through the lace curtains of my bedroom, casting delicate patterns on the floor. The house was still, but I could feel the familiar hum of anticipation in the air. Today was the day my siblings were coming home.

I busied myself preparing the flat, tidying up the living room and setting out fresh flowers in vases. The aroma of baking bread wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of lavender from the polished wooden floors. The kitchen was a flurry of activity, pots bubbling on the stove, and a roast slowly cooking in the oven, its savory fragrance promising a feast.

Max was arriving first. As the eldest, he had always been a steady presence, his deep voice and warm laughter a comforting constant. His career in magical creature conservation had taken him all over the world, and he was often accompanied by his best friend, Kieran. Together, they were a dynamic duo, their passion for their work shining through in every conversation.

I heard the familiar rumble of a car outside and hurried to the door. Max stood there, tall and broad-shouldered, his sandy hair tousled from the wind. His brown eyes sparkled with excitement as he broke into a broad grin.

"Freya!" he exclaimed, enveloping me in a bear hug that lifted me off the ground. His embrace was strong and reassuring, a reminder of the many times he had been my rock.

"Kieran," I greeted, stepping back to hug him as well. Kieran, with his lean build and easygoing demeanor, was like a second brother. His blue eyes twinkled with mischief, and he wore his usual casual attire: a well-worn leather jacket over a simple t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey, Freya," Kieran said, his voice warm. "Good to see you. We've missed you."

We made our way inside, the conversation flowing effortlessly. Max and Kieran began sharing stories from their latest expedition, their voices animated as they described the magical creatures they had encountered. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself caught up in their tales, the worries of the past few days fading away.

"Wait until you hear about the thunderbird we rescued," Max said, his eyes lighting up. "It was trapped in a canyon, unable to fly because its wings were injured. We had to use a series of levitation charms and healing spells to get it to safety."

Kieran nodded, his expression serious. "It was touch and go for a while. The poor thing was terrified, and we had to be so careful not to frighten it further. But seeing it soar into the sky again, free and healed... that made it all worth it."

The doorbell rang again, and I excused myself to answer it. Nora stood there, a vision of artistic energy. Her long, brown and lighten than mine hair, was pulled back in a loose braid, wisps escaping to frame her freckled face. She wore a vibrant scarf around her neck, and her arms were laden with sketchbooks and art supplies.

"Freya!" she called out, dropping her bags to give me a hug. Her eyes sparkled with creativity, and her presence was like a burst of color in the room.

"I've missed you, Nora," I said, marveling at the detailed sketches she showed me. Each drawing was a window into her world, filled with fantastical creatures and dreamlike landscapes.

"These are incredible," I said, flipping through the pages. "You've really outdone yourself."

Nora beamed, her cheeks flushing with pride. "Thanks, Freya. I've been experimenting with different techniques and styles."

Finally, there was Darla, the youngest of us all. She arrived in a flurry of energy, her curly brown hair bouncing with each step. Her brown eyes, full of determination, lit up when she saw me.

"Freya!" she exclaimed, running to embrace me. "It's so good to be home."

"It's good to have you home," I replied, my heart swelling with pride as I looked at her. Darla had grown so much since I last saw her, her confidence and maturity evident in the way she carried herself. She wore her Hogwarts robes, the healer's insignia prominently displayed, a testament to her dedication to becoming a healer.

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