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I was sat at my desk in my bustling office, my attention split between the piles of paperwork detailing the intricate web of the Zabini/Malfoy case and the occasional glance at my watch. Half of my week was dedicated to untangling the legal complexities at Blackthorn, where every detail mattered and each decision could sway the outcome of our case. The other half was a stark contrast—a world of advocacy and activism at the Ministry of Magic, where I continued to delve into the intricacies of the house-elf project.

Today was a Ministry day, and as I wrapped up a morning meeting discussing legislative proposals for house-elf rights, I found myself simultaneously energized and drained by the passion and challenges of our cause. Fred had been particularly animated, proposing innovative strategies to improve working conditions and promote house-elf welfare across wizarding communities. His enthusiasm was infectious, even if his methods often bordered on unconventional.

"Freya," Hermione's voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling me out of my reverie. "Do you have a moment? There's something I need your input on."

I nodded, setting aside my notes from the meeting. "Of course, Hermione. What's on your mind?"

Hermione took a seat opposite me, her expression serious yet focused. "It's about the upcoming Wizengamot session. We're finalizing the draft for the house-elf legislation, and I wanted your thoughts on the proposed amendments."

I leaned forward, instantly engaged. Working with Hermione was always a masterclass in dedication and expertise, and I valued her opinion immensely. Together, we reviewed the intricate details of the legislative text, debating the nuances that could make or break its effectiveness in protecting house-elves' rights.

As we deliberated, Fred popped his head into the office with his characteristic grin. "Am I interrupting something important?" he asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Hermione glanced up, her expression softening at the sight of Fred. "Not at all, Fred. We were just discussing the amendments for the house-elf legislation."

Fred's grin widened. "Ah, the thrilling world of legislative amendments," he remarked with mock enthusiasm, earning an amused chuckle from both Hermione and me.

Despite his playful demeanor, Fred had a knack for injecting practical insights into our discussions, often approaching issues from angles Hermione and I hadn't considered. His unconventional ideas sometimes sparked heated debates, but they also pushed us to think beyond traditional boundaries—a quality I grudgingly admired.

After finalizing our immediate tasks, Hermione excused herself to attend to another meeting, leaving Fred and me alone in the office. He perched himself casually on the edge of Hermione's vacated chair, watching me with a curious glint in his eyes.

"So, how's the legal eagle life treating you?" Fred asked, his tone light but genuine.

I sighed, feeling the weight of the Zabini/Malfoy case pressing on my shoulders. "It's challenging, to say the least. The intricacies of this case seem never-ending."

Fred nodded sympathetically. "I can only imagine. Malfoy and Zabini don't strike me as the easiest clients."

"You have no idea," I replied with a wry smile. "But it's what I signed up for, I suppose."

Fred tilted his head thoughtfully. "And what about the Ministry work? How's that side of things?"

A warmth spread through me as I reflected on our efforts with the house-elf project. "Rewarding," I admitted. "Hermione's leadership and your ideas have really made a difference. I feel like we're making strides, even if the progress is slow."

Fred grinned proudly, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "That's the spirit! Slow and steady wins the race, right?"

I chuckled, appreciating his optimism. "Something like that."

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