one shot isseki into new world 3

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Ayanokouji pov

" So why is she here senpai? "

Amasawa wasn't speaking in her normal tone now. She's either mad or upset. They're pretty much the same. So I'm screwed.

" So how are we here? " Asked Kiryuin

( Skipping explanation since it's the same as with Ichika )

" So we're in a fantasy world? "

" Yup,"

" And you summoned us? "

" Yes,"

Kiryuin grinned

" Does your system have quests? "

" I didn't check."

" Then check "

I didn't know there were extra quests, and if there were, then my life in this fantasy world would be a lot easier.

" System "

Saying it in front of people was a lot more embarrassing than saying it alone.

The system popped up.

It was the same with the options

[ Heroine ]

[ Store ]

[ Map ]

That was the same, but I saw something I didn't see earlier.

[ Quests ]

It's really there.

I clicked on it.

[ Start Bank account reward 50 system points 0/1 ]

[ Turn in a bounty reward of 25 system points 0/1 ]

Those were pretty easy. Bounty? That would require finding someone and defeating them.

How much is a system point worth?

I started scrolling down to find the higher awards.

[ Deafeat an s rank beast without help reward 90,000 system point 0/1 ]

That's a lot.

[ Start a foursome with 3 different races and reward 100,000 system points 0/1 ]

Wait, different races? If one is human, then do the others have to be animals?

That's disgusting.

" Yeah, I have quests,"

" Then let's do one."

I nodded and checked for an easy quest

[ Find five blue wing eagle eyes reward 60 system points 0/5 ]

" How about finding some eagle eyes? "

" Too boring."

I just sighed

I checked again for something more.

[ Protect greens land village from goblins reward 100 system points 0/1 ]

" How about protecting a village from goblins? "

" That's much better ."

She grinned, showing her white teeth.

" Well, let's go,"

" Where are we going? "

" We'll find it over time."

I just followed her.

" Come here Senshi," I spoke

Then Senshi came with Amasawa riding him.

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