A: There's something interesting I want to show you
Ryuuen: Kuku is it about the monster?
A: No it's about Yagami Takuya
Nagumo: Him?
Arisu: Fufu
Arisu: The failed protect
Ryuuen: That's more about the monster
After Yagami was taken away from Anhs, he was sent back to the whiteroom.
In his time in the fifth generation, he would destroy everyone. But he knew that wasn't enough. So, one day, Atsuomi brought him to the sixth generation.
When he first entered, he thought that since they were a year younger, he would be the strongest, but he was wrong.
Nagumo: There are people stronger than him?
Spoke Nagumo with a frightened voice
It wasn't just them, everyone was shocked
Ryuuen: Kuku this whiteroom is filled with geniuses
Airsu: False geniuses, only Ayanokouji is a true genius
Amasawa: If there are people stronger than him( Yagami)? Then why were we sent? They sent us the lamb to the lion's den( Kiyo )
Ayanokouji: I knew the whiteroom wouldn't fall so much
Nanase: How am I supposed to serve Ayanokouji senpai if I'm so weak?
A boy named Gin Amasawa was the leader of the sixth generation. It wasn't just him. Even the other ten strongest people were stronger than him.
Ayanokouji, Kushida, Horikita and Ibuki: Amasawa? Are they related?
Ichika: I have a little brother? And he's stronger than me?
Amasawa's fragile pride which was destroyed by Ayanokouji a few months ago took another hit, one even bigger than before
Ike: There's not just one more, there's ten more
Sudou: Holy
Shinohara: Is this some elite school?
Mori: Probably
Ryuuen: Kuku
Ibuki: There are that many stronger than me?
Since she saw a few girls in the ten people stronger, her pride that she had since a kid was broken.
Horikita's eyes opened wide
Horikita: If there are that many people who are stronger then how will my elder brother notice me?
Nagumo: There's that many strong people? I guess I should start to train again
Because of this, his ego took a huge blow. But he wouldn't give up.
" Never give what never what? "
" Bro stfu "
He was always the first to ever lesson and the last to leave. His mentality changed.
Asahina: He's bound to improve
Nagumo: Yeah
Kiriyama: Is it just me or has Nagumo gotten kinder?
( In the latest vol, Nagumo has gotten more chill as he's about to graduate )
Koenji: Keep going, show them their place Yagami boy

Classroom of the elite reacts to one shots and illustrations
FanfictionReaction fic.