one shot Ayanokouji gets a present

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Time October 20 

Ayanokouji  pov 

Waking up, I looked around, walking over to my calendar. I saw it was October 20. Today was my birthday. For most people, this day would be a day of celebration, but for me, it's just a regular day. 

I got up and got ready for the day. 

Kei pov 

Walking towards Kiyotaka's room, I couldn't help but feel excited. In my hand was a watch, It cost almost 10k yen, but I still had a lot of points from the Zodiac exam. 

I wondered what his expression would look. But he'd probably say something like, " Oh, you remember my birthday?" Or something similar to that.

As I came to his door, I knocked. I didn't hear a reply, so I took out my pair of keys to open the door.

Entering, I saw Kiyotaka brushing his teeth. Why was getting brushing his teeth outside the bathroom.

" Why are you brushing your teeth outside of the bathroom?"

" I gohg hogu goye,"

" Just finish brushing first,"

I saw him walk away to finish brushing. I wonder why he did that.

It's probably going to be some really cute answer, though.

I saw him come out of the bathroom.

" So why did you brush outside the bathroom?"

" I just didn't want to stay in the bathroom,"

I blinked my eyes a few times. That makes sense. I've done that a lot when I started to live alone.

" So why did you come here?" He asked

" Here;"

I handed him the watch I bought.

" A watch?"

I nodded

" It's for your birthday,"

" Oh, thank you,"

He didn't even look happy. Just a simple thank you? That pretty much ender the conversation right there.


It's short, but I couldn't think of what to put after.

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