One shot Yagami after expulsion

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Narrators pov

After Yagami was taken away from Anhs, he was sent back to the whiteroom.

In his time in the fifth generation, he would destroy everyone. But he knew that wasn't enough. So, one day, Atsuomi brought him to the sixth generation.

When he first entered, he thought that since they were a year younger, he would be the strongest, but he was wrong.

A boy named Gin Amasawa was the leader of the sixth generation. It wasn't just him. Even the other ten strongest people were stronger than him.

Because of this, his ego took a huge blow. But he wouldn't give up.

He was always the first to ever lesson and the last to leave. His mentality changed.

He wouldn't care how others reacted to him.

He wouldn't care about his own well-being.

He would be the strongest.

And Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would be killed by him.

In cold blood.

He started to show progress. He was soon on par with Gin.

He, after such a long time, had become the best of two generations. Something Ayanokouji Kiyotaka never did.

His life was going just like he wanted. He wanted the instructors to respect him. He was even supposed to marry some girl by the name of Bara Ichinose, who was a year younger than him.

He had even gotten private lessons from instructors who wanted to get on his good side.

Even though now he was the strongest, he still came before anyone and left after everyone.

He had done all this in just 6 months. His potential was unmatched by anyone.

But he would soon find out that he would have another chance at.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Yagami pov

I recently woke up, and I got out of bed. If I woke up and wanted to sleep again, then I would lose precious time to train.

I went to the gym. Nobody was here, but it was expected.

For the past few months, I've been training nonstop. Before I found out our gap in , I thought I was a challenge for him, but I'm not.

Now I believe I can deafeat him in hand to hand combat. He won't defeat me.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi pov

Today was the third year of his life outside of the whiteroom. From what I've heard, he has broken up with some ugly girl named Karuizawa Kei.

He had started to date his teacher, Chabashira Sae.

He has even started to show more emotions, which is great. He will become a fine politician. I heard footsteps behind me.

" Good morning, Professor Ayanokouji."

I didn't need to turn around to hear his deep voice. His voice always held the essences of a child. The large wave towering over a human waiting to crash onto him.

Those who haven't met him will think of it as the voice of the fantasy final villain.

It sounded like the knife waiting to be used, the gun getting his bullet put in.

It was like a voice you wouldn't think was possible for a human until you met. It was made for making friends.

It faked his demonic heart beneath by his calming under tone.

The perfect voice for an assassin.

I turned around to see.

A good-looking old man, his wrinkles showing his smile, one so pure anyone could mistake him for a nice grandpa.

He held himself in high regard, which was shown by his elegant posture. His eyes hid all emotions. His ever-present smile is just as innocent looking as ever.

One could mistake him for an old celebrity. His happy smile was one politician used. If one didn't know about his true nature, then it would be too late.

He is one of Whiteroom's best instructors, but the best assassin.

" What brings you here, Tsukishiro? "

" Today is his third year, "

" I'm aware."

" Isn't it time to truly bring him back? "

" I see."

He knew that I had let him go so he could improve his social skills. Which was true.

He would have never been able to escape if I hadn't allowed him to. Both Shiba and Tsukishiro were holding back against him.

Shiba is still in the school waiting for any orders.

" So I'll get the chairman kicked out and add someone new," suggested Tsukishiro

" No," 

" Why? "

" What's the use of getting him kicked out? "

Getting him kicked out doesn't help anything, I knew that Tsukishiro wanted him gone as he was jealous.

But he wouldn't admit it.

" Wouldn't it make it easier? "

He knew that it wasn't true, but it was a reason that others could get behind.

" Do whatever you "

He nodded in appreciation

" Just get him out of school,"

" Of course."

Yagami pov

Today is the day I go back to Anhs.

Wait for me, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

This time, I'll win


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