Horikita pov
" I was here because I needed to make sure he isn't doing anything stupid," I spoke
" Same,"
Hasebe immediately responded
" we're here because it looked fun to see how their date will go," Ike responded
" I see,"
Was I relieved they didn't stalk him because they had feelings?
You must be delusional
I was here making sure he doesn't neglect his duty.
Hasebe pov
Kiyopon is moving. As I slowly moved towards another tree tree to hide behind. I saw Karuizawa turn back.
I quickly got onto the floor.
" Haruka, why are you going that way?"
I saw Airi ask me confused
" So we can find Kiypon,"
" But isn't going to the building a better idea?"
I looked to see that Horikita, Shinohara, and Ike had already gone to hide behind the building.
I then saw how it has almost no risk.
" Haha," I produced a dry laugh
" Let's go to the building,"
I grabbed Airi as I led us to the building.
How could I not think of that?
It was a lot safer of a place to hide without bugs.
When we arrived, I saw that the rest of them weren't looking at me. That saved me some face, at least.
" They're moving,"
Ike seemed prepared as he already had a headpiece communicating with Shinohara.
" Why, do you two have a headpiece?"
" Oh, it's because me and Shinohara like stalking couples for fun,"
It was expected from a couple as weird as them, but I still couldn't help myself from feeling a little creeped out.
Horikita pov
I heard them talking about something, but that wasn't my mission on hand.
I saw Karuizawa and Ayanokouji walk towards an ice cream shop. I quickly followed behind them. The shop was new, so I didn't recognize it.
All I knew was it had a giant cone in front of the store.
" Hey, isn't the frosty frozen ice cream shop?"
I heard some Ike behind me
" Yeah, I heard it got a new flavor,"
It's not a new shop???
Did I really not explore this place? I don't remember coming here.
There was a window at the front, so we could still see Ayanokouji and Karuizawa's date.
I saw them order then start talking to each other. When the ice cream arrived, I saw them eat normally until I saw Ayanokouji take his spoon and fed Karuizawa.
He shared food???
This isn't Ayanokouji. He's an imposter
Ike pov
" He fed her just like that???"
" No way,"
I saw Satsuki looking shocked
Hasebe pov
That's an indirect kiss.
Kiyopon is hurting Airi's poor heart.
I will talk to him later
Sakura pov
I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I knew that they were going out, but I didn't want to see this.
Why did I even come?
I thought of myself in the shoes of Karuizawa. She only smiled at him.
I wished I was in her position. She's gotten used to this, right? That's why she only smiled at him
He has been spoiling her
This isn't fair.
Ayanokouji pov
As I gave Kei some of my ice cream, she smiled at me. Her smile always calmed my heart.
Horikita pov
As I watched them slowly feeding each other, I couldn't help but feel a but sad.
If I ever got together with someone, would we do the same?
I saw that Ayanokouji looked relaxed while eating from Karuizawa.
Hasebe pov
I saw that Karuizawa was now feeding him, and he took it.
A few weeks before, I told Airi to fed him, and he declined. This wasn't fair at all.
I didn't look at Airi as she was probably crying.
Sakura pov
Why was Ayanokouji asking her?
He doesn't act this soft with anyone.
At this point, they had 46 indirect kisses.
How I wished I was in Karuizawa's shoes.
Horikita pov
As I saw Ayanokouji and Karuizawa leave, I followed. I heard footsteps behind me being from the rest of them.
I saw that they entered a high-end restaurant. Ayanokouji talked with the waiter, and he seated them right away, so they likely got a reservation.
I saw that Ayanokouji pulled out Karuizawa's chair for her.
How envious
Ayanokouji usually wasn't that person but he's acting strange ever since he went on the date.
Airi pov
He pulled out the chair for her. She only smiled.
Does she not know how lucky she is?
Hasebe pov
Now I kind of want a boyfriend like Kiyopon.
Ike pov
I saw Ayanokouji pull out Karuizawa's chair for her. I felt someone drilling holes into the back of my head.
" Why can't you do anything like that?"
I saw Satsuki look at me
" From all the couples we stalked this is the first,"
" The rest were with plain girls, I'm in the same league as Kei,"
In attitude
" Did you think something rude?"
" No, no of course not,"
Did she read my mind?
" Huff I expect you to treat me like that "
" Of course Satsuki "
Horikita pov
They're now eating