Heater Moves (Melvins)

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tw slight non-con if you squint

Early 1988, Washington


His, Matt's, face turned into a angered scowl. He huffed, raising his hand and slapping the other boy on the face.

"You really think I wouldn't notice this from a faggot like you? You were- You were using me!"

Matt was about to slap him again, Buzz grabbed his arm tightly to stop him,

"No- I- Fuck! I think- I think we as a- As a band would have a better chance in California!" He nervously stammered, still gripping Matt's arm. He was terrified, terrified that in his drunken state Matt would **badly** hurt him.

"Fucking fag.." Matt dropped him to the ground, he slumped over, looking like he was about to cry. Matt just went around and got a cigarette and lit it up, taking a long and hard drag. "There's nothing damn important in Cali and you know it."

Buzz sighed, trying to sit up. "No one here likes us enough. If we just- If we just try it, I'm sure it'll work-" He paused, looking at Matt's sour gaze into his eyes. "That's where that damn girl lives, ain't it? You're not so good at keeping secrets."

That girl.. Lori Black.. Former bassist for the band Clown Alley. Buzz had quite the crush on her, to Matt's disproval. Matt knew. Matt was jealous, jealous of her getting all Buzz's attention whenever they would see her. She lived in California, but would make trips to Washington.

"Y-Yeah.. But.. That's not important, Matt-" Matt ran towards him, pinning him to the wall as he tried to get up and run for himself. Matt grabbed ahold of his throat and stared at him. He was drunk, and pissed off. "I thought you loved me! I thought we were- Together.."

"Of-Of course I do.. It's not just for her! If you, me and Dale moved to California we'd have a better time at gigs and tours-" Matt softened his grip, staring intensely at Buzz's brown, shiny eyes. They were full of tears that hadn't decided to leave yet. "Fuck.." Matt scoffed. "Really? That's what you think?" Buzz nodded at him, gulping. He grabbed ahold of Matt's arms, trying to get his arms off of him. "Honest- Fuck-" His eyes averted up to Matt's aggressive expression, cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Please- Let go-" Buzz begged.

Matt pulled his hands away, looking at him with a much softer expression. "You can make this up to me." He said, sighing.

"How?" Buzz asked. Matt just winked at him. "Actually, how about this.." He started pulling his hand up and jerking Buzz's collar, making him yelp. "Shhh.. This won't change a damn thing.." Matt was still visibly upset, but wanted to use Buzz in the way he deserved it. He ran his fingers down his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt, much to Buzz's disproval. "Matt-" He tried to speak, but Matt shoved his other hand to his mouth. He fully unbuttoned his shirt but didn't take it off yet. He just slid his fingers down his chest, to his stomach and to his waistband. He practically shoved his fingers down to Buzz's crotch.

"Matt-!" Buzz tried to protest to no avail. Matt would get what he wanted.

Matt leaned in and bite Buzz's neck, making him squeal. He bit hard enough to draw blood, which was forming and running down his shoulder. "Matt.. This won't- This won't make me-" He tried to speak as Matt rubbed the outline of his bulge in his pants, him still kissing and nibbling on his sensitive neck. Blood was forming fast, and Matt started licking and swallowing it, much to Buzz's surprise. "Tastes well.."

He pulled his hand out of the man's pants, reaching to grab his zipper and yank it down, his pants falling to his knees as Matt kissed him hard on the lips. Matt was smirking to himself, knowing Buzz would fold and give in. He was right as he felt Buzz kissing him back.

"Gorgeous.. Especially when you make me mad..." Matt groaned, unzipping his own pants. He grabbed Buzz again and shoved him against the wall, back facing him. "Matt- Matt this- This isn't a good idea.. Fuck.." Buzz moaned as he felt the other man rub his back gently before hearing him pull down his pants and spitting in his hand. Matt wasn't going to even try to warm him up for this, nothing at all. Buzz winced and braced himself for what was about to happen.

Matt rubbed his saliva all over his cock, jerking himself off a few times to ease himself. He bent Buzz over slightly, still pushing him against the wall roughly. "You'll get what you fucking deserve.." Matt said with a slight scowl. He was going to make this painful..

He pushed himself into him, making him loudly moan out in pain. Buzz, however, despite this, liked it. It had been a while since him and Matt had gotten this intimate. After all, no one knew what was really going on with them behind the scenes.

Buzz grabbed the wall tightly with whatever strength he had left. Matt started roughly thrusting, seeming to get angrier and angrier as he went harder. It hurt, but soon it started feeling a lot better for Buzz. He tried not to let them escape, but he let out a few soft moans and sighs.

Matt bit his lip and started going faster, grabbing Buzz's hair and pulling it, making him shakily moan and whine out. "M-Matt.. Fuck- Don't do this-" He tried and tried to plead, all for nothing to happen as Matt just laughed at him. "You-.. You deserve this.."

Buzz felt a tear run down his face, but he didn't care. At this point all he wanted was to be able to relax. Matt leaned in to his ear and started whispering to him. "I love you.. But- I understand.. Why you- You want to leave.." He was a lot softer spoken than he had been, and that made Buzz smile as he was slammed into the wall. "But.. You're just a little- Whore.." Matt suddenly broke again, starting to practically shove Buzz into the wall with every thrust. "F-Fuck.. Fuck you.." Buzz moaned, biting his lip so hard it was started to bleed all over his face and in his mouth. He spat out as much blood as he could, this just turning Matt on even more.

"Tell me- Tell me one thing- Buzz.." Matt broke, still going the same speed but harder. "Tell me you love me-"

Buzz whimpered, being fucked so hard he could barely talk. "I- I- I love- I love you.. Matt-"

Matt smiled, groaning. He reached his hand down to touch Buzz's untouched cock. He was leaking so much pre-come he could use it as lube. He stroked him a little bit, making him twitch and moan.

Buzz was way to into it now, much to his dismay. He felt Matt touch his short, curly hair, practically playing with it. "So- So fucking- Shit-" Matt moaned before going faster and comeing inside of him, loudly exclaiming a hard moan. Buzz felt Matt touch his cock again, this time jerking him harder and faster. Buzz whimpered before spilling his come all over the floor, wall and Matt's bare hand. He sighed and nearly fell over as Matt pulled out of him. Matt left him on the ground, looking at him.

"I'm staying in Washington, Buzz." He sighed, slipping his pants back on. Buzz was still in shock and pain as he wobbly tried to get up. "Fine- Fine. Whatever you want. I'm leaving you and this damn town.." He angrily scoffed, grabbing his pants and trying his best to put them on. Matt just stared at him. "Then get out of my house." He sternly said, his voice sounding cold and hateful. Buzz just nodded, frowning and making his way out the door, still zipping up his pants.

"I won't forget this." Matt suddenly said, walking over and slamming the door in Buzz's face. In an instant, all of their love and pleasure they had just felt washed away. He would probably never see Matt again, and felt defeated. He shed a few tears as he walked down to his car to leave him forever.

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