Changing Your Shape (The Cure) #

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written about 1 or 2 years ago

robert stared at the computer screen; an interesting device that he now realized could be used for much, much nicer things than just conversing with other people. he looked on at the site he was on, a porn site! he wasnt the kind to look at this kind of stuff, especially not often, but he felt himself becoming more *needy* on tour. he was in his hotel room, on the rooms computer. he had just found it by accident, it was a tab still open on the computer when he decided to go onto it. and, here he was.

robert was very specific with what he liked, and none of the things on the home page would do. he wanted to try something new..

robert bit his lip before simply typing "gay" into the search bar. he never really looked at that kind of stuff anymore, only as a young man, but right now he was feeling.. different..

there wasn't an infinite amount, but he saw a video that took his eye. just simple gay sex with a ridiculous title. but, robert just wanted to get this over with. he played the video and turned down the volume in his headphones.

the video started with two men kissing, and yada yada. robert rubbed the bulge in his pants lightly, shuddering at the touch. the video continued with the other man beginning to suck the others cock. robert groaned as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his slick cock, he rubbed the tip with his thumb before sliding up and down slowly, at the pace the other man was sucking the mans cock.

robert moaned out loud as he sped up, and saw the man bend over the boy and lube himself up, before slamming into the boys ass. he gasped, drooling a bit out of his a gape mouth. the two men moaned deeply into his ear. robert couldnt help but imagine himself with simon, back in their younger days.. when the two boys would have casual sex with each other.

he did see how the man pounding into the other looked kind of like simon, and it made him tense up and squeeze his his shaft. "oh~ oh simon~" robert groaned. his cock twitched as he went faster.

(simons pov)

simon laughed and patted pearl before exiting to go to his hotel room. he couldn't help but listen to the sounds coming from robert's side of the room. he cracked open the door to robert's room and saw him, dick in hand, masturbating to.. gay porn? simon gasped, and wanted to shut the door to leave him to it. but, something primal awoke in him again. it hadn't happen in.. years.. but, something about robert's soft moans made him want to take him right there.

simon opened the door all the way and smiled. robert looked back at him, covering himself up and clicking off the tab fastly. "s-simon! can you knock!" robert said, trying to shield his erection. simon just laughed. "oh robert- i know what you want. the way you look at me nowadays-" he groaned, stepping towards a vulnerable robert.

"simon- fuck-" robert moaned, grasping simon's shirt desperately. "are you.. sure?" robert asked, smirking. "im so sure, robin." he smiled before kissing robert deeply.

(roberts pov)

robert shuddered, kissing simon so deeply, deeper than they had in years. robert was so desperate for his touch, his cock twitching underneath the shirt he had scampered to grab to hide himself, a foolish move.

simon touched robert's chest, moaning. "let me have you- simon-" simon smiled. he rarely ever let robert have *him*, but he really, really wanted it this time. "yes-" simon moaned before getting shoved on the bed. he laughed, bringing robert into a deeper kiss.

robert rubbed his bare cock on simons thigh, making him moan loudly. robert unzipped simon's jeans and pulled them off in a haste, before also taking off his boxers. robert rubbed simon's cock, he twitched underneath his touch.

"hang on, si~" robert said before going into the bedside drawer and grabbing an extra bottle of lube. he poured a delicate amount on his hand and rubbed some on his fingers. "robert- can i- can i suck you off first?" simon asked, sitting up.

robert smiled and nodded. simon reached over and licked robert's sensitive tip, making robert moan loudly. simon smiled before pushing himself down nearly all the way down. robert gasped and touched simon's hair gently. it was always so, so soft. simon hummed before making his way up and down, liks the two men were doing on the porno robert was watching only ten minutes ago.

simon grasped robert's thigh, rubbing his own erection smoothly. "oh simon- stop-" robert moaned, pulling simon off of him. "lay down, dear." robert asked, sitting up. simon mewled a soft moan before laying back down, his face fixed in need. robert smiled before grabbing more lube and squeezing some on his fingers. "can i- can i enter you, s-si?" robert said, rubbing simon's creamy white thigh with his hand. simon nodded. robert seedily smirked before putting his fingers inside simon. simon gasped and wriggled underneath robert's touch.

"robert- robert oh~" simon moaned. robert took his fingers out indefinitely, he was desperate and wanted more.he coated his already slick and swollen cock with lube before entering simon fast. simon yelped loudly at the sensation, grabbing robert's collar. "t-take me, robert!" simon yelled. robert smiled and thrust into him hard, he was already so close... he wanted simon to feel some too, so he grasped simon's cock and stroked it, making the man groan. robert's breaths were shaky and swooning, he sped up, feeling his orgasm creeping up. simon grabbed robert's shoulders hard and bit onto roberts neck.

robert pushed simon all the way onto the bed and thrust into him faster, breathing erratically into his neck. simon grinded his feet into robert's back before robert finally lost control. he felt himself comeing into simon, for the first time in years. simon wasnt too long to follow, his come spilling out onto his stomach. robert exited, rubbing simon's cheek with his fingers.

"so beautiful- so gorgeous when you've come, si-" robert spokeand collapsed back onto the bed, tired. simon cuddled up next to him, and robert smiled..

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