If I Had An Exorcism (Melvins) #

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okay now this might be the craziest yet actually lmfaooo written a while ago

buzz whimpered into the microphone as he lightly rubbed up against the base of his guitar. his boner creased the guitar lightly, making him silently moan as he sang.

he gripped the microphone hard as he thrust into the guitar. it felt good to get off in front of a live audience like this, maybe that was just him. seemed nobody noticed though since it was so dark.

he thrust hard again, shakily breathing as he continued to sing softly into the mic. buzz dared not to make eye contact with any of his bandmates, they probably didn't even see him doing this.

"and it's-" he started before whimpering loudly as he picked up his thrusts. "fuck..." he moaned as he felt his cock twitch hard against the guitar. the notes he tried his best to play wobbled with each thrust. his cock throbbed and was bursting for release.

his voice quivered as the lights on the stage dimmed. precome dripped down his leg and stained his pants as he thrust even faster. he moaned silent curses as he grasped the fret board and stand, trying to balance himself.

he whimpered again, feeling his orgasm close. his breath shallowed as he looked out into the audience. too drunk or stoned to care as usual. buzz sighed into the air as he bit his lip.

he bent forward slightly and whispered more swears to himself. buzz sighed before comeing into his pants forcefully, making his legs shake. he moaned loudly into his arm and started to regain his balance. he still felt waves of his orgasm through him all around. finally he stood up straight again.

he smirked to himself before beginning the next song energetically. his come slid down his leg warmly as he moved along.

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