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So you know the origin mods in which you get to choose the origin of your player well for this au sabres kind has this thing where once they hit they age of 5 they get a random origin each day.

Once a person turns 5 they are given three things a note explaining what's happening because people have forgotten, A book of all the origins that's magic and gets updated anytime a new one gets found and finally a piece of jewelry representing where they come from.

Also when i say random origin each day i mean random like just wheel of names it or use a random number generator the person can get the same origin for more then one day in a row. One thing about them though is that there kind was hunted there are only small communities left so by using the jewelry the leaders can tell the others of their populations and they will be more or less careful around people of that place.

Of course because of this hunting and distrust from them Sabre tells no one about what he is or what he can do. This can cause some problems down the line but also helps him a great deal. The only reason he managed to hid it for as long as he did is because he played off the taller and shorter origins as there imagination or him being on lower ground.

One thing is that after coming here 10 new origins are made which Sabre is the first to document them followed by others Sabre rightfully named them as the first to experience them. The origins are based on the chromatic, Rainbow, Light and Dark.

You can change any of the origins i got for events to one you want. Or you could add more i only kept my collection small you can add as many as you want.


When sabre first came he was Arachnid according to the wheel so well when he freaks out at red steve he uses his Arachnid powers to climb the trees and spawns some cobwebs which

Weren't there before why are there cobwebs - Red Steve

For the entire day he was only able to eat meat when asked he just said he felt like it.


For the first death thing he is a Avian according to my wheel soo

When nightmare kills him he falls back into a hole which as an Avian doesn't hurt him when he gets to the bottom he hides and hears Dark yell out they he's dead at this point he's extremely injured so he takes a nap one but that doesn't go well (Avian low ground) So he ends up just sitting around for an hour planing this also means he doesn't fall for Dark as Orange and gets out of their before he can do anything.

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