27 - Twenty - Seven - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Getting out of the car, I helped Viktor bring the bags inside and Klara whistled when she saw all the bags. She waited till Viktor looked at her before she spoke. "Viktor, The black market dealer, Helios, he wants to speak with Nikita. He says it's really important, and about—--"

"I am aware of the news he would like to tell me, but this saves me asking him over the phone. Tell him Nikita and I will be there in a few moments to speak to him." Viktor said, and we both looked at each other.

"If he's here to tell us about it, surely he can't be involved, right?" I asked Viktor, and he shrugged. "I really can't say Nikita. I don't know. I feel like he wouldn't be here, and would hide, but we won't know until we ask him and gauge his reactions."

Viktor took me upstairs with him, and we put some of the stuff away. "Come on, we should see what he has to say." Viktor said and took my arm.

"Right. We should definitely do that." I agreed with him, and we drifted to his office, and he opened the door. Helios was smoking one of those fat cigars in Viktor's office and tapping his foot aggressively.

Helios looked up when we entered the room, and his expression changed from annoyance to anger. Viktor and I exchanged a glance, and we waited for Helios to speak. "What the hell took you guys so fucking long?" Helios growled.

"Don't smoke in my office. That chair is worth more than your fucking head." Viktor snapped back and passed the man a glass ashtray. "Nikita and I are aware of the situation with Yuri. So this is your only chance to tell me if you have something to do with this?"

"Me?" Helios said, and looked really offended, jabbing his cigar into the ashtray. "You have got to be fucking kidding me? You think I fucking did this shit?"

"To be fair, you wanted to talk to him about his hacking of your systems." I said and watched his face morph.

"You really fucking think if I did this I would be here trying to inform you about it, in case you were unaware." Helios snapped.

"So then, how is that, you know?" I asked, and Helios thought about his answer before he spoke. You could see it.

"I was poking around and accidentally found his location, so I left a notice on it. Anything that happened there or close by would alert me, and that's how I found out about the fire. But I cannot find out if he is alright or..."

"Yuri is fine. He's lost everything, but he is fine. Or at least those were the words he told me himself."

"Good. I'm glad." Helios said and let out a sigh.

"Is there something more here you're not telling us? Why are you so invested?"

"Look. Since the first time he hacked my system, he's been playing around on my servers, and we have a strange friendship, if you could call it that. He drops things onto my computer, games, photos and other things. But he's neglected to give me any way to get a hold of him outside of that." Helios said.

"So that's why you're here." Viktor smirked, and he met eyes with me again, and nodded, and I understood what he wanted.

"Yuri will stay here for the time being. If he wants to bridge the gap and make this friendship or whatever you classify it as, into a genuine friendship, I'll let you know. But I think for right now and until he settles, relax on poking around him." I said, and Helios started chewing his lip aggressively.

"Fine, but Viktor, damn you. Give me updates on him, since this place is wrapped up tighter than a government building."

"We'll see," he said, and Helios groaned out in frustration.

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