35 - Thirty - Five - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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The drive to Lake-Haven was quiet and uncomfortable. I had a feeling that when Viktor asked Lev to be truthful with me, things were going to turn into a screaming match and dinner would be ruined. I really wasn't looking forward to it.

"Should we stop and bring something?" Viktor asked, stopping at the red light.

"Probably." I muttered.

He pulled into a little shop; he turned off the car and hit the lock button. "Kita, I just want to say something, ok?"

"You can say anything you want."

Viktor sighed and set his hand on my knee. "Nikita, this is important. Please listen."

"I am. Get on with it." I said.

"I know you're upset with me about not telling you this. Honestly, I've only known about this in the last few days. Otherwise, I have told you everything. Selfishly, I kept this to myself. I know I should have told you, but I honestly didn't want to. I want to keep you from getting hurt anymore. If you find anything out, you will go running face first into danger and I don't want that. I don't want you to be unsafe at all." Viktor confessed.

Letting out a sigh, I set my hand on his. "You're not wrong about that. I would go face first into it. But that's because I have to. This is important."

"I know it is." Viktor sighed, opening his car door, and I opened mine after I unbuckled my seatbelt. Neither of us said another word until we got inside the little shop, and then it was only about what we should bring for dinner.

At this very second, I couldn't lie and say I was accepting of the lies and secrets involving both of them, but hopefully this oncoming painful dinner would be the final straw. Letting my shoulders relax, I followed Viktor around the store while he looked at things. Picking some things, he carried them to the counter and paused before getting there. "Is there anything you want to get for Yuri and you for at home later?"

"Good idea. He definitely likes sweet things." I muttered. Finding one thing for us to enjoy now that I was actually paying attention around me was easier said than done. Grabbing a few packs of cookies and a cake, and some muffins, I was sure this would be enough for us both. If not, we could fight over them. It wouldn't be the first time.

Viktor paid for everything and had them package it into two different bags, one for Lev and Alessio. The other for us. He was careful to pack both the bags into the car and he waited until I was buckled in again to put his seat belt on. He leaned over after saying my name, and I looked at him. His lips pressed against mine and I frowned into the kiss.

"Nikita?" he said my name with concern and I pressed my lips against his again, before pulling back just far enough to speak.

"I hate how good your lips feel against mine. I want to be mad at you. But your touch is becoming soothing to me and I don't know—-I think I might fear this." I mumbled, leaning in again for another kiss. "Your lips disarm me."

"As much as I want to keep kissing you like this, until we are out of breath and our lips are numb, you need answers. You need all this to be out in the open and Lev to be truthful with you. I can't go on keeping things from you like this, Kita. I don't want to as your husband." He put space between us and started the car. He waited until we both had our seatbelts on again before he sped out of the parking lot and out of town towards the complex.

We passed by one of Alessio's underbosses and his not so kid brother Matteo on the way down the road, the first house and gate in view. Viktor gave a slight wave as we passed, continuing on our way. The guards at the gate let us through without even stopping us. I relaxed back into the seat until he found a spot to park his car, right beside Alessio's car.

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