51 - Epilogue - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Curled into Viktor's side, we sunbathed in bed from the large windows at the Villa. He was still sleeping deeply, and I was content to just watch him sleep. The quiet surroundings of the Villa were nice and peaceful compared to home where right now, I was sure Yuri was delivering the paperwork and the note from me to Lev and Alessio. I should have been the one to deliver the paperwork, but it seems Viktor had far better plans for us.

He kept me at home just long enough for us to take the dogs back to the kennels, check on Spark and Yuri, drop the paperwork and the few things I took, and write a note.

"Go back to sleep." Viktor muttered, and I wrapped myself around him, snuggling down. I wasn't even tired anymore, but I didn't want to part from Viktor. Right now, we felt closer than ever.

"Soon." I muttered against his chest.

Viktor and I still had much to work out between us, but we were on track to bettering all those issues and making this marriage something worth fighting for. I couldn't help but think about the paperwork and how Lev might feel right now. There was a bundle, that was for sure, and it would take some time to sort through. But it was in his hands now. I had delivered proof that the one----no my biological father had paid with his life.

I hated to admit it to myself, but the words from my blood brother, Kirill, had done something to me. He didn't view us as family, and I got that. I didn't want to view us as family either; it seemed fitting that the family line end with him. But I had so many more questions about the man who was my 'father'.

"What are you so deeply thinking about, my beloved?" Viktor asked, his hand rubbing my back in slow, soothing circles.

"Oddly, I am thinking about the day at the family manor and Kirill, and the last words he said to me. He had said that there was nothing more a dying man could give me, and at the time I brushed it off because I just wanted to be done with everything. But now, part of me, an enormous part, feels good that he too is dying, and I don't have to dirty my hands with him. But I feel gross. There was more I wanted to ask him about everything, to get some kind of understanding."

The arm around me tightened, and I felt Viktor kiss the top of my head. He was comforting me without a second thought.

"Nikita, listen. You have every right to be happy and to feel good. He is dying after everything. He might not have done it himself, but he knew, and he had a chance to change things. He didn't. You can only live so long before the karma you've made for yourself comes looking."

"I know. It just feels so odd to me." I mumbled.

"Nikita, repeat after me, 'it is not my problem anymore'." Viktor said, and I thought about it for a minute, and realized he was right. It wasn't my problem anymore. I didn't even have to hold on any longer. There was no reason to.

"It isn't my problem anymore. My job is done."

"Good. Now you can properly enjoy our second honeymoon, just us, the house, and the coast." He said, and his hands dipped under the blankets. "I think we should eat something before I confine you to this bedroom. I want to show you how much I love you, Nikita Russo."

"Food sounds lovely, but instead of confining me to the bedroom at this hour, I want to walk the coast with you. After that, I am all yours, Viktor." I said, hesitating to part from the warmth I was getting off of Viktor's fully naked skin. Our naked bodies spent most of the night, if not all the night, pressed together.

"We should get out of bed then," he said and pulled away from me.

"Wait!" I whined and wrapped my arms around the leaving heat. "Kiss me..."

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