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"No, I'm angry because you signed up and have been training for the fire academy for weeks. You got accepted and you didn't include me." Miranda stated as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Because I knew you would act like this," Ben stressed.

"Act like what? Like a normal wife who's worried about you and your safety. You are a liar. You looked me in my face and lied to me for weeks." Miranda snapped.


"No, stop talking to me. Why would you want to do one of the most dangerous jobs? Police, military, and firefighting are the top 3 dangerous jobs. You have a wife and a son."

"Babe," he started.

"Leave me alone right now." Miranda returned, closing up the dishwasher. "Man, sometimes I wish we would have never got married." She mumbled blowing out a breath as she walked down the hall into their bedroom.

Taking a long shower Miranda got dressed and threw on her nightgown. She climbed into the bed and got comfortable, eventually turning on her side. A few minutes later she heard her husband come into the room and walk straight to the bathroom to take a shower. When he was finished he crawled into bed beside her. Miranda did her best to maintain a distance despite wanting to be wrapped up in his arms.

"I love you, Miranda Bailey. More than anything in this world and with everything I have in me." Ben mumbled sleepily.

Miranda kept silent and sighed inwardly.  She loved him that much too, maybe more, but she was tired of arguing with him. She didn't understand why he wanted to put his life in danger and become a firefighter. She couldn't fathom if something were to happen to him. He was her entire world, and that scared her. She honestly knew that she literally could not live without him. Still, she didn't say anything, but she scooted her body close to his and laid her head on his chest.

"I hate that I love you right now, Benjamin." She huffed out.

"I know." He answered, honestly rubbing her thigh.

A little way into the night, Miranda heard a rumble of loud thunder and rain, and the entire house shook. She didn't remember the forecast of a storm. The house started shaking viciously. With a loud rattling sound.

"It's an earthquake, babe," she mumbled with her head in the pillow.

It didn't last long, and Miranda eventually found sleep again. She was surprised her pager didn't go off. It must have just sounded bad. She was the chief, so she would have been notified.

Miranda woke up late the next morning and turned in the bed. She looked at her husband's spot and noticed it was empty. He probably went to work, she thought.  Getting up, she walked into her bathroom and noticed it was different. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was different. 

She rushed out of the house and drove to the hospital. A car that she did not recognize was parked in her spot.

"These damn people have no respect." Miranda voiced looking around. The parking lot was empty, so it was no reason for someone to park there. Frustrated, she drove over to an empty spot and marched inside.

"Hey Bailey," Richard greeted.

"Good morning. Can you figure out who the hell is in my parking spot? I mean, it's labeled Chief of Surgery for a reason." She huffed, crossing her arms.

"I'm sure that's why O'Connell is parked there," Webber stated, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"But I'm the Chief." She countered.

"No, you're not."

"What? No...Why would I not be the chief?" Miranda questioned, confused.

"You could have been, but you never showed up for the presentation to the board," Richard explained.  

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