Here comes the sun

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Arien felt Ahikos warm body limp in his arms. His heart raced as tears welled in his eyes.

Not again...why..

His mind overflowed as Ahiko laid unmoving in his arms. Sadness, anger, it all seemed to strike him like lightning. He wanted to drop Ahiko on the ground for putting his through everything, he wanted to shake Ahiko awake and talk to him, he felt his heart breaking. But regardless he hugged Ahiko, tight. The dam his eyelids put up fell with a quick crash as he cried into his friend. He hadn't cried like this for months. He felt himself choke as butterflies came gently to land on Ahikos head.
He didn't even realize the blood staining his white dress shirt. He just hugged his once was best friend close, his hand running through Ahikos hair as he took the boy to the ground slowly.

Arien bent his knees and slowly lowered Ahiko to the ground in his lap, softly running his hands through his hair, it had grown out since last time.

This felt the farthest thing from real. But somehow this time he felt like it was, it had to be. His best in his lap. The tears found themselves falling slower as he calmed down. Ahikos breath was shallow, but he was still there.

Arien was painfully scared the boy might die in the back of his mind. He was covered in injuries left and right. Arien drew a deep breath, but even with the air inside him he didn't feel like he took a breath. He stood up, finding his blanket.

He lay the blanket out on the grass and soon moved Ahiko gently onto it, his strength had grown from the last time he'd seen Ahiko even.

Arien then carefully dragged the edge of the blanket to the bathroom, butterflies were upset about Ahikos moving and a few fluttered into the bathroom with them as arien moved to run the water.

It was warmly falling into his hand when he plugged the tub. He started to look around for something to wash Ahikos injuries with next, and found a washcloth sitting on the counter as if it knew exactly what arien needed.

He didn't question it and simply took it, throwing it into the water before he moved to fold up Ahikos clothes gently. Butterfly's that had settled on the boy weren't pleased but quickly found themselves a better place to sit when arien was finished.

Arien carefully took the washcloth and eased away all the blood, there was a much. In fact the blood dripping down ahikos face from the sunflower didn't seem to want to stop. It scared arien even more but he knew not to freak out immediately.

He ripped off part of his shirt to clog up the bleeding and tore off more to close other open wounds. He hoped the hallway would give him a new shirt tomorrow, but even if not he would figure something out, there was always his coat.

Ahiko stirred slightly from time to time but he was never truly awake, his body was on the brink of imploding.

But regardless arien always comforted him gently, not knowing what to say even when he didn't need to say anything.

He softly brushed out Ahikos hair, leaves and vines of sorts stuck on the boys left side, arien didn't want to pull the ones that didn't fall out on their own in fear Ahiko might bleed more.

When he was done he fell back and sat against the tub, the water stained a rusted color from the blood that was cleaned. Arien stared at Ahikos face, the same yet different... Ariens hand touched his own face. Surely...surely there was something that led to the time he was away right?

A pit sat where Ariens heart should be as he looked at him, something here felt right as something felt wrong at the same time.

He wanted desperately to talk to yell and shout, but to hug him and say nothing at all.

The sunflower taunted him from Ahikos eye

It made Arien feel uneasy. he got up soon  and took Ahiko back out into the hall and the grass, he sat with him silently.

He'd just have to wait for now.

Not like he was unfamiliar with that.

Dreaming and dreading letting go (first drafts)Where stories live. Discover now